
Live by Mist


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                        ░                         :
                         :                         .
                             P R O D U C T I O N

                ████          ████ ████      ████ █████████████
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                      LAME    IDIOTS    VIOLATE    EUROPE  :)

   │ 1. ABOUT...                           │
   │  You need a computer.
   :  It should be at least a 386. (600 kB low / 1.5 MB XMS)
   ·  GUS strongly recomended, coz' nothing else supported.
      (SuperSilence mode available - NoSound)
      Note : If you are an epileptic, wait until midnight,
             turn your 20KW equipment a litle bit up,
             put your face aprox. 5cm before your 21" screen
             and E.N.J.O.Y ! (let the death creep a little closer...)

   │ 2. The story of MiST...               │
   │  MiST was founded in 1994.  <--- That's the story :))
   ·  The current members of MiST are:

   │ real name     │ handle        │ activity     │ age
   └───────────────└───────────────└──────────────└──── ─···
   │ J. Duris      │ HeadbangeR    │ Main coder   │ 17
   │ I. Klimo      │ Voomie        │ Coder/3d gfx │ 17
   │ M. Gallo      │ Mirage        │ Graphician   │ 16
   │ A. Hrnciar    │ Gurun         │ Musician     │ 16
   └───────────────└───────────────└──────────────└──── ─···

   For joining, friendship, questions etc. write to:

   │HeadbangeR      │Voomie          │Mirage
   └────────────────└────────────────└──────────────────── ─···
   │J. Duris        │I. Klimo        │M. Gallo
   │H. Melickovej 9 │Kosicka 50      │Viglasska 11
   │84105 Bratislava│82108 Bratislava│85106 Bratislava
   │Slovakia        │Slovakia        │Slovakia
   └────────────────└────────────────└──────────────────── ─···
   Note : Pn is the sequence, in which you shall push the
          litlle buttons on the strange thingy called telephone.

   Email : klimo@managr.fm.uniba.sk      (subj. MiST)
   (please, please, please, write a couple of bytes,
    we get emails not very frequently...:)

   We're searching for a good musician. (Still...:)
   (Death-metal fans/composers are welcome)

      MiST releases so far :

        ■ Name          Type              Note
     ···─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─···
        ■ ZOANTROPHY    DEMO              Winner of DemoBit `95
        ■ ALCHYMIA      64K-INTRO         7th place on Assembly `95
        ■ LIVE          DEMO              -

        All products were released in 1995

   │ 3. Distribution...                    │
   │  This material is freeware. You are allowed to copy it without
   :  restrictions, while it remains unmodified.
   ·  If you want any of our products to take place on your CD,
      you should send us one CD free. 
      You take full responsibility for the operation of this software
      and any conssequences thereof. We the creators cannot accept
      liability for damages or failures arising from the use of this

   │ 4. Creditz...                         │
   │  HeadbangeR...All code, GUS replay and loader.
   :  Voomie.......Object processing, 3d GFX, some code ideas.
   ·  Mirage.......All GFX.
      Gurun........All MZX.

   │  This is FINAL version.

   │ 6. Greetings....                      │
   │  Greetings fall on :
        ■ Amnesty ■ Capacala ■ Cascada ■ Complex ■ Dust
        ■ EMF ■ Five Musicians ■ Iguana ■ Impact Studios ■
        ■ Imphobia ■ Legend Design ■ Nooon ■ Substance ■
        ■ Valhalla ■ Xtacy ■ 

      Slovak demogroups :

        ■ LM ■ Sinope ■ SiN ■

      Personal greetings :

      HeadbangeR sends blessings... (alpha order)

        ■ Axis/Shadow Rays ■ Bear/Sinope ■ Darkwalker ■ Doggy dog ■
        ■ Doosh(un) ■ Infi ■ jCall/Sinope ■ LHarp ■ Miro ■ Piggy ■ SAL/LM ■
        ■ SEMO ■ Spearhawk/ExploßivE ■ Stefan ■ Towdie ■ Tucniak ■
        ■ Warlock/Amnesty ■ Yarpen/Substance ■ Zden/SiN ■


        ■ Axis/Shadow Rays ■ Bear/Sinope ■ Darkwalker ■ Emil ■ Infi ■
        ■ Nyarlathotep ■ Piggy ■ Sado ■ Saso ■ SAr/LM ■ SEMO ■ Shaman ■
        ■ Spearhawk ■ Zden/SiN ■

      Mirage (total disorder)

        ■ Boris 1 ■ Boris 2 ■ Synak ■ Spearhawk ■ DarkWalker ■ Bear ■
        ■ TBQ ■ Cheefko ■ Towdie ■ Aragorn ■ SAL ■ Dan Dare ■ Doosh(un) ■
        ■ Doggy dog ■ NyarlathoteP ■ Piggy ■

      Special Thanx : 

        ■ Piggy   
        ■ LHarp    
        ■ Bear