
Wired 96 Invitation Intro by Kloon

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Code         : Z 
Gfx          : Vatin, off, teo, cyclone/abyss.
Soundtrack   : Kenet/ribbon.                            
Text         : Darkness/imphobia                              
Raytrace     : Tyby                                       
Xm Player    : Tiny Gus player v1.3 by Pascal/cubic team
Dos extender : Dos32 3.5á by Adam Seychell            

                Himem,GuS,386 or highter(Pentium strongly recommended). 
                             Not a commercial product
            Cannot be put on any commercial CDROM without our aggrement
               except for the Cd-ace series cdrom and Dreams series.
        Teo (graphs)                            Z (coder) 
        STEPHANE DESBONNET                      GREGORY COOLEN 
        143 rue vulfran Warme                   3 RUE DU CHATEAU
        80000 Amiens                            80680 RUMIGNY
        Djamm (zicos)                           Vatin (graphs)
        RAYNALD DELIENS                         JEAN-YVES VATIN
        148 rue de chaumont                     11, rue remonterue
        60240 Blequencourt                      91560 Crosne

        Cdrk (coder)                            Topilouf(coder) 
        CEDRIC DEVILLERS                        PATRICE DUHAMEL
        3 rue du chateau                        41bis rue A. Bisson 
        80800 Vaire sous Corbie                 60 Noailles

        Off (graphs)                            Tyby (3ds)
        STEPHANE FOLCHER                        DAVID DEUX
        7 RUE CHARLES PENAULT                   174 rue robert lecoq
        94290 VILLENEUVE LE ROI                 80000 Amiens

        Spleen (coder)
        4 rue aux dames                         All in France...
        64140 Bailleval
kloon   :       kloon@ace.epita.fr 
spleen  :       david.prothais@utc.fr
Z       :       Z..@dyadel.net 
teo     :       teo@dyadel.net or ia47@u-picardie.fr
tyby    :       ia47@u-picardie.fr
Cdrk    :       ia48@u-picardie.fr
Djamm   :       Djamm@nnx.neuronnexion.fr
You can get all our stuffs on the internet at:
 If you want to be on our Web links , please leave messages to Z or Teo.
 * Anarchy * inf * Distorsion * Eko * Fascination * Epsilon * Ribbon. *
 * Impact Studios * Imphobia * Pulse * Hmd * Scoopex * Live! * Coma *
 * Melting Pot * Mwb * NoOoN * Orange * Proxima * Karma * Tpolm * Acme *
 * Zuul Desing * Eclipse * Dentifrice * Oxygene * Halcyon * Neutron * 
 * Amour * Taste * Urinate * Escape * Funk! * Flower Corp * Overflow *
 * Aegis * Tiny toons * Camorra * Psychic links * Psychic Monks * Maak *
 * Antares * Cubic Team * Complex * Xtacy * Purple * Cncd * Asylum *
 * edena * The flamouts and the dark vision * Syndrome * N-Factor *
 * Fatal justice * Melon design * Keen like frogs * Absence * olympus *
 * ExMortis * Astroida(cool demo)*
 Adam Seychell, the author of Dos 32 dos extender.
 Alexel/Distorsion * Djamm+Maxx-out+E.T+Major-X/Eko * 
 Caramel+Fortune/Fascination * Elliot+Fean”r/Epsilon *
 Kenet+Poiý+Moai/Ribbon. * Walken/Impact Studios * Calvin+yithzhag/Proxima *
 Darkness+Sam/Imphobia * Gandalf+Lca+ice+shad+Niko+Ajt/Pulse *
 Black label/Hmd * ALL Asylum members * Patapom+Zappy+flan+Djamm/Scoopex *
 Ukko/Live! *Ace+Snagrot/Melting Pot * Ferem+Tuttle+Ghost+Ajt+Rixed/Mwb *
 Barti+karl+Ra/NoOoN * Distance+Zeb+Hoplite+Dune/Orange * 
 Lightshow+rez+haplo/Karma * Feather/Tpolm * Aap+Vic/Acme *
 Tikal+ryhnn+haplo/Zuul Desing * Lightshow+rez/Eclipse * 
 Remdy/Dentifrice * Clawz+Gengis+Spiral+Data+Mon/Oxygene *
 Blitz/Halcyon * BoraMan/Neutron * Jed/Amour * Goofy/Taste *
 Capella/Escape * Phar+Roudoudou/Flower Corp * Stef+pixel+Off/Edena *
 Mogar, slayer of potatoes/Overflow * Bisounours/Tiny toons *
 statix/Psychic links * Necros/Psychic Monks * Moony/maak *
 Access/Antares * Pascal/Cubic Team * Jmagic/Complex * Hml/Jinrikisha *
 Maf+Guille+Codac+Tenshu/syndrome * Magic FreD/Tfl-Tdv *
 Thorin/melon design * Cortez/absence * Evil Maniak/N-Factor/Fj *
 Aglapi/O'Menor * Gavin * all KlOoN's.
 All on irc:#demofr,#coders,#daskmig
 And all i forgot.
[-{Z'personnals messages}---------------------------------------------------]
 Adam Seychell         : Thanx you.
 Alexel/Distorsion     : Hope to see you at the wired party 
 Caramel/Fascination   : J'irais peut-ˆtre a la party 6 :)
                       : Bonjour a Nina :).Hope you're still together :)
 Kenet/Ribbon.         : Yo la voie, cool tes zics ;)
 poi poi/Ribbon.       : c'est cool que vous soyez pass‚ sur PC.
 Walken/Impact Studios : J'aime bien tes bookmarks.
 Darkness/Imphobia     : J'espere que la party sera une grande reussite ;)
 Gandalf/Pulse         : Un jour je te battrais a Doom :), oui un jour.
                       : Merci pour "tu sais quoi."
 Patapom/Scoopex       : Glop, pour ce qu'on a dit, c'est OK.
 Snagrot/Melting Pot   : Casse pas de Pc a la wired, tu vas te couper :)
 Ferem/Mwb             : Sorry, j'utilise pas Pmode mais dos32,c'est quasi
                       : pareil, en fait.
 karl/NoOoN            : Le grand chevelu t'a t'il t‚l‚phon‚ ? :)
 Feather/Tpolm         : I luv tpolm's style.
                       : but Linda won't sleep with me too :(
 Aap/Acme              : Thanx for uploading the Report :)
 haplo/Zuul Desing     : Ca y'est Gandalf t'a embauch‚ pour le Cd 4 :)
                       : La reconnaissance d'un grand talent :)
 Clawz/Oxygene         : Si tu viens pas a la wired, ton niveau sur ace,
                       : va retomber a 20 ;)
 BoraMan/Neutron       : Sorry for the delay
 Jed/Amour             : the same :( 
 Goofy/Taste           : the same :(
 Capella/Escape        : the same :( 
 Evil Maniak/N-Factor  : the same :(
 Stef+Pixel/Edena      : j'espere vous voir a la wired.
 Mogar/Overflow        : ca y'est, t'a trouv‚ une famille :) 
 statix/Psychic links  : Have you still got a headache ? ;)
                       : i'll take a packet of aspirin for the wired :-)
 Necros/Psychic Monks  : hope to see you at the wired party.
 Moony/maak            : thanx for all.
 Access/Antares        : a mon avis, t'a du avoir plus de mal avec corrosive.
 Hml/Jinrikisha        : No war.
                       : t'en es ou avec ton moteur 3D ?.
 Aglapi/O'Menor        : eheh :-), ROTFL
To all my contacts before september:

        i lost all your adresses due to my HD failure :(
[-{Wired 96}----------------------------------------------------------------]
              We hope to see most of you at the Wired party 1996.
        We are looking for new members in europe (except in france)
        For coders (No system coders):
                 - a knowledge of Protected mode'll be appreciated
                 - Dos32 usage ( or pmode )
                 - ideas (i mean good ideas)
        For Graphicians:
                 - Only bitmaps
                 - ideas too.
        For musicians:
                 - Xm formats and mods. 
        Send your work to Z, we'll see.

[-{KlOoN releases}----------------------------------------------------------]
                               (most of them are on http://kloon.dyadel.net)
   ³  Name               ³ Zip name          ³ ? ...                   ³
   ³ Destroy             ³ K!destro.zip      ³ File destroyer          ³
   ³ Txtreader           ³ k_txtrea.zip      ³ File reader             ³
   ³ Manzon virus killer ³ k_manzon.zip      ³ Virus killer            ³
   ³ Manzon virus killer2³ k_manzo2.zip      ³ Virus killer bugfixed   ³
   ³  Name               ³ Zip name          ³ ? ...                   ³
   ³ Funkamental         ³ K_funky.zip       ³ tune by Jon (9 wired95) ³
   ³ Gaspillage          ³ maf_gasp.zip      ³ tune by maf (gaspwinner)³
   ³  Name               ³ Zip name          ³ ? ...                   ³
   ³ Strange bondage     ³ K_strange.zip     ³ Gfx by Tenshu(7 wired95)³
   ³ Walken's dog        ³ Pa_final.zip      ³ scan by Z&tyby          ³
   ³                     ³ k_vatin.zip       ³ Gfx by Vatin            ³
   ³                     ³ k_off.zip         ³ Gfx by Off              ³
   ³  Name               ³ Zip name          ³ Place,where,...         ³
   ³ rikikitro           ³ rikitro.zip       ³ none                    ³
   ³ betrayal            ³ sln_btrl.zip      ³ none                    ³
   ³ ping phong          ³ k_phong.zip       ³ none                    ³
   ³ Da sis top          ³ k_datop.zip       ³ none                    ³
   ³ Obez                ³ k_obez.zip        ³ 4th Wired95 intro compo ³
   ³ Hue cochonne        ³ k_hue.zip         ³ 13th Wired95 demo compo ³
   ³ Obez2               ³ k_obez2.zip       ³ none                    ³
   ³ IT                  ³ k_it.zip          ³ 18th party95 demo compo ³
   ³ Pressure            ³ k_taidi.zip       ³ 3rd Saturne96 introcompo³
   ³ Saturne report      ³ k_report.zip      ³ Saturne party 96 report ³
   ³ Bof!                ³ k_boffix.zip      ³ Last at gigafun96       ³
   ³ Corrosive           ³ k_coro.zip        ³ #2 at the Fudge 96      ³
   ³ Wired invitation    ³ k_wir96.zip       ³ Wired96 invitation      ³
   .                     .                   .                         .
   .                     .                   .                         .
   .                     .                   .                         .

[-{KlOoN boards...}---------------------------------------------------------]
      ³ Board    ³Location ³Phone Number     ³ Sysop            ³        ³
      ³ACE       ³France   ³+33145887548     ³Gandalf/infiny    ³  WHQ   ³
      ³Genesis   ³Belgium  ³+3222453498      ³Fakir             ³  EHQ   ³
      ³Floodland ³France   ³+3390289342      ³Patriot/S!P       ³  FHQ   ³
      ³Equalizer ³France   ³+33145251923     ³Thorin/Melon      ³ Distro ³
      ³Eden      ³France   ³+33134139528     ³Ferem/Mwb Corp    ³ Distro ³
      ³Dune      ³France   ³+33148790422     ³Bisounours-Gizmo  ³ Distro ³
      ³Legend    ³France   ³+33147468892     ³Koronis/arsenic   ³ Distro ³
      ³Galleria  ³Finland  ³+358(9)815555252 ³Turo/Fascination  ³ FinHq  ³
      ³Count 0   ³Norway   ³+4755122962      ³Yitzhaq/proxima   ³ NorHq  ³
      ³Arcane    ³USA      ³+4145444965      ³Incarnate/guild   ³ UsaHq  ³
      ³   Asylum ³         ³                 ³                  ³        ³
      ³Outpost   ³Germany  ³+495419619636    ³Cybermage         ³ GerHq  ³
      ³Bluenose  ³netherlnd³+31345619401     ³Troop/Chiparus PC ³ NetHq  ³
      ³Cryonics  ³Sweden   ³+4636165110      ³Niro              ³ SwHq   ³
      ³XTC       ³Canada   ³+19057614867     ³Rx                ³ CanHq  ³
      ³underworld³Suisse   ³+41229600621     ³Synoptic          ³ Distro ³
      ³          ³         ³+41229600622     ³                  ³        ³
      ³          ³         ³+41229600623     ³                  ³        ³
Apologies for all our boards not listed here,please sysop,email your
board name and phone number to Z..@dyadel.net

[-{KlOoN complete story...}-------------------------------------------------]
 April 1995   :Teo and i (shocker) decide to create a crew, we called it

 members were :

 May 1995     : Maf joined from Silicon amiga.

 June 1995    : our first releases were out ...

 July 1995    :teo and i decide to change our label to KlOoN because
               we had some problems with the amiga crew.
               Ben and ZooM left.

 August 1995  :klOoN first release : Da sis top.

 Sept 1995    :TopilouF joined as a coder and was also named as cthulhu.
               Ben joined

 October 1995 :Vince,Tenshu,Off joined. 

 November 1995:Djamm joined.
               Ben left due to lack of time for coding.

 March 1996   :Maf left for Syndrome
               Vince changed his handle to Jon
 April 1996   :ShoCkeR changed his handle to Z
               Tenshu is no longer a kloon member
               Vatin joined (also named sayx)

 June 1996    :Jon and Hml left.

 July 1996    :Tyby and Teo's a HD failure.They lost ALL.
 August 1996  :Z's got a HD failure too, he lost all is sourcecodes since 
               2 years.
               Djamm's got a Virus on his amiga and had to format it :(
 October 1996 :Tyby's lost is motorcycle, someone stole him.
               We decide to create KlOoN Worldwide, if you want to join,
               send your work to Z.  

KlOoN is Z,Off,Vatin,Djamm,Cdrk,Tyby,Teo,SpleeN,TopilouF.

[-{No More}-----------------------------------------------------------------]