
magnetar by Top Right Bottom Left [web]

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   |||||||||     M A G N E T A R                                    |||||||||
   $$$$$$$$$                                                        $$$$$$$$$
   $$$$$$$$$     the ultimate meeting 2013                          $$$$$$$$$
   888888888                                                        888888888
   888888888     Alpha C .......................... music, sync     888888888
   000000000     CME ........................ technical support     000000000
   000000000     Den .......................... general support     000000000
   000000000     KeyJ .......................... 3d engine code     000000000
   000000000     mog ..................... code, graphics, sync     000000000
   000000000     ted ...................... additional graphics     000000000
   000000000                                                        000000000
   000000000                                                        000000000
   000000000     Another demoparty, another demo! This time around  000000000
   000000000     we had to settle for mostly just glueing together  000000000
   000000000     scraps, although we did our best to deliver you    000000000
   000000000     an entertaining and original new demo.             000000000
   000000000     As usual, the demo should work on Chrome, Firefox  000000000
   000000000     and Opera, but if you have a choice, do go for     000000000
   000000000     Chrome.                                            000000000
   000000000                                                        888000000
   000000000     Instructions (assuming Chrome)                     888880000
   000000000                                                        $$$888800
   000000000     0) Close all Chrome windows                        $$$$$8888
   000000000     1) Run Chrome with the parameter                   |||$$$$88
   000000000        --allow-file-access-from-files                  ╖:╖||$$$$
   000000000     2) Open index.html from the download location      :╖::╖||$$
   000000000     3) Enjoy the ride                                   ╖ ╖::╖||
   000000000                                                      .d8b.╖ ╖::╖
   000000000                                                     d88888b ╖ ╖:
   000000000                                                     8888888   ╖
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   000000000                                                     8888888   :.
   000000000                                                     Y88888P :..:
   000000000     <3 traction <3 conspiracy <3 demofr <3 noah <3   `Y8P':..:||
   000000000     3ln <3 #modulez <3 #modarchive <3  dss <3 rbbs     :.:.:||$$
   000000000     inque <3 kakiarts <3  moods plateau <3 extrait     .:.||$$$$
   000000000     ribbon <3 the  tourist <3 peisik <3  pasmas <3     |||$$$$88
   888888888     outracks <3 outbreak <3 limp ninja <3  haujobb     $$$$$8888
   888888888     da capo  <3 adinpsz <3 alcatraz  <3 brainstorm     $$$888888
   $$$$$$$$$     desire <3 guideline  <3 nuance <3 titan <3 tmp     $$$$$$$$$
   $$$$$$$$$     and also lnx  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3     $$$$$$$$$
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