
noname by Diffusion

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       ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄       █▓      █▓                                    riv3n!/ipc
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                                         diffusion(R) info.file 3.1         │

 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── H¡$┬Θτµ ──

   Diffusion has founded in April 1997 by EChO and SirGuru... but we started
   official 'scening' in October'97. In December'97 SirGuru changed his nick
   to Sztahoo. That was the-end of 1997 year...

   In January'98 a lot of people joined us. First Pigiel joined as musician,
   next  Ceasar  (not  real  scener) joined as text-writer. And next Xanth -
   c00l webmaster also joined us. In February'98 next two people joined: Crt
   -  coder  and  Roller - renderer. In March'98 Binar joined as swapper. In
   April'98 Jefar joined as 2nd swapper. Now we don't need a swapper. Finally
   we have released a new zine - 'Syntax Error'. Enjoy it! After this, Reptile
   joined as 2d graphician and FiXXeR as ascii-maker, and we decided to kick
   CRT from Diffusion, because of no activity. In August'98 Szuwar joined as
   editor. Impexus, FlintStone(?) and Fallow (coders) also joined. Xanth left
   and Caesar moved to Syntax-staff (now, Caesar is out of DFN).

 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ∩εW$ ──
 ∙ ■ I don't know that FlintStone is our member or not...
   ■ Our borntro will be released on next party...
   ■ 'Global Resist' - our first demo is comming...
   ■ EChO's Music-Disk - 'Tales From Magic Valley' - is comming soon...

 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── MΣMßΣτ$ ──
 ∙ Diffusion group...

     ■ Binar .................. Swapper
     ■ EChO ................... Musician, organizer
     ■ Fallow ................. Coder
     ■ FiXXeR ................. Ascii/Ansi maker
     ■ ImpexuS ................ Coder
     ■ Jefar .................. Swapper
     ■ Pigiel ................. Musician
     ■ Reptile ................ Graphician
     ■ Roller ................. Renderer
     ■ Sztahoo ................ Coder, organizer
     ■ Szuwar ................. Swapper

 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── PτΘδU¢┬¡Θ∩$ ──
 ∙   date    title                   type         description
   : 1o.97 : KODEK v1.31           : util       : A file coder          :
   : o4.98 : Syntax Error #1       : zine       : Issue #1 of our zine  :
   : o8.98 : NoName / ImpexuS      : intro4k    : 4th place - Gravity98 :

   + a lot of modules...

 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── δ¡$┬τΘ$ ──
 ∙ ■ BBS:

     ∩AMε          │ $Y$ΘP          │ ∩UMBεR         │  T¡Mε    │ TYPε   
     M00N BB$      │ SimonKing/IPC  │ +48-052-897456 │ 22oo-7oo │ WHQ    
     DraGoN BB$    │ Szum/Dragon    │ +48-71-515881  │ 21oo-7oo │ DiSTR0 

   ■ SWAP:
          SCREAM! = Aktin, Hate, JABBAR, Kenji, Melkor, Insect
   ■ FTP:
   ■ WWW:
          http://www.kki.net.pl/echo (EChO's HomePage)

 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────── HΘW ┬Θ (Θ∩┬α(┬ U$? ──
 ∙ ■ Snail:

     ⌠ Jefar/FLU^DFN        ⌠ Binar/KRZ^KZS^DFN^VP    ⌠ Szuwar/B!M^HBN^DFN
     │ Krzysztof íebrucki   │ Krzysztof Jagoda        │ £ukasz Chowis
     │ ul.Dworcowa 5/3      │ ul.Rakowska 10/43       │ Ostrówek 144a
     ⌡ 62-700 Turek         ⌡ 42-200 Czæstochowa      ⌡ 98-311 Ostrówek

   ■ E-mail:

     » Binar ............ binar@kki.net.pl
     » EChO ............. echo@topnet.pl
     » Fallow ........... fallow@alpha.net.pl
     » Impexus .......... impexus@friko.onet.pl
     » Jefar ............ jefar@hotmail.com
     » Pigiel ........... pigiel@kki.net.pl
     » Reptile .......... reptile@gorlice.top.pl
     » Roller ........... roller@kki.net.pl
     » Sztahoo .......... sztahoo@kki.net.pl
     » Szuwar ........... szuwar1@friko5.onet.pl

 ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Gτεε┬¡∩G$ ──
 ∙                        ...to all REAL sceners...

 ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ε · Θ · ƒ ──
 : [ASCII LOGO: riv3n!/ipc                          TEXT FILE: ε(hΘ/D¡ƒƒu$¡Θ∩