
There is an alien flying over my carpet! by Kuemmel [web]

### "there's an alien flying over my carpet!" ### 
###                                           ###
###      a 256 byte intro by Kuemmel for      ###
###               Function 2017               ###
|                                               |
| 'When I heard that weird noise in the night   |
|  beside my bed I switched on my flashlight    |
|  and found that alien thingy flying over my   |
|  carpet and traced it in awe on it's way      |
|  through my room...what the hell !?           |
|                                               |
| - runs best on Freedos/Rufus, tested on my    |
|   1800 MHz AMD Laptop                         |
| - runs also on DOSBox but a bit slow          |
| - assembles with Flat Assembler               |    
| - press ESC a little longer as usual to exit  |
|                                               |
| Some additional credits:                      |
| - palette code borrowed from kaleidoskop/3sc  |
| - formulas for the alien inspired by an       |
|   an article on 'graphing quadric surfaces'   |
|   by George Haroney published in BYTE 12/1986 |
|                                               |
| Cheers,                                       |
|                                               |
|     Kuemmel                                   |
|                                               |
| Greetings to HellMood, Sensenstahl, Gentlemen,|
| T$, Bartman, Andy, Hardy, Gargaj and all the  |
| tiny intro coders !                           |
|                                               |
### e-mail: michael.kuebel@googlemail.com     ###
### web...: www.mikusite.de                   ###