
fast tracker 1.07 by Digital Reality & Mayhem

FAST TRACKER v1.07 (beta 6, rel: 05.03.2018) (based on FTRv1.00)  

   _____            ___    ___                  ___        
  /  __/___________/  /_  /  /_________________/  /___,_,_______
 /  __/ _,  '(__ ./  __/ /  __/  __/ _, '/  __/   '_/  /__)  __/
/__/  \____/_____/\___/  \___/__/  \____/\___/__/\__\____/__/   

           Programming, design & engine by Orion/DR
     Fully disassembled, recompiled & modified by Sand/MhM

some info about tracker

patterns:                  32
positions:                 256
height:                    0-255 (global for pattern)
samples:                   32  
images:                    32

pattern lenght:            01-64
sample lenght max.:        80
image lenght max.:         80

sample mask:               noise, tone, envelope
sample accum.mode:         noise, tone, envelope
sample auto-volUp/volDn:   present
image accum.mode:          tone, noise

commands:                  6
tempo:                     3-255

max lenght of compiled module w/o player: 16384 bytes

    __ __ __________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_MAIN MENU_/_/__ _

[CURSOR] - moves cursor (anywhere)
[CS+SPACE] or [BREAK], [CS+1] or [EDIT] - exit from any menu 
[ENTER] - select option

[B] - beeper on/off
[T] - tone-table exchange ("1.75mhz+"/Classic)

[O] - positions & height list editor
[U] - play module from start position (with height value)
[L] - play module from current position (with height val.)
[P] - play current patter (w/o height val.)
[A] - sample editor
[I] - image (ornament) editor
[K] - save/load options
[R] - autorscroll on/off
[E] - autoenvelope on/off
[SPACE] or [EXTEND] - edit current pattern

[CS+2] - solo mode in pattern-editor on/off
[SS+1] - [SS+3] - channels A, B, C on/off

    __ __ _______________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_PATTERN EDITOR_/_/__ _

[CS+SS], [EXTEND MODE] - jump to next channel
[CS+3], [CS+4] - fast scrolls up/down
[ENTER] - play pattern/channel from cursor
[CS+1], [EDIT], [SPACE] - back to main menu

[SS+1], [SS+2], [SS+3] - channels A, B, C on/off
[CS+2] - solo mode on/off

[SS+T] - change table
[SS+B] - beeper on/off

[SS+E] - auto envelope on/off
[SS+R] - auto step on/off
[SS+I], [SS+U] - autoenv inc/dec
[SS+P], [SS+O] - autoscroll inc/dec
[SS+K], [SS+J] - delay inc/dec

[SS+G], [SS+F] - pattern size inc/dec
[SS+M] - previous pattern
[SS+N] - next patterns

next keys works from cursor to end of pattern:
[SS+C] - copy channel or env.
[SS+V] - paste channel or env.
[SS+W] - insert noteplace in channel or env.
[SS+Q] - delete noteplace from channel or env

[SS+X] - transpose channel at 1 semitone up
[SS+Z] - transpose channel at 1 semitone down

[CS+9] aka [GRAF.MODE] - clear under cursor

and this keys works from note-tab only:
[Z], [S], [X], [D], [C], [V], [G], [B], [H], [N], [J], [M]- note
[1] - [8] - set octave
[L] - clear note
[CS+L] - clear note with parameters
[R] or [A] - mute channel aka R--

Nu'EPer'Not'SEIV Cpp'Not'SEIV Cpp'Not'SEIV Cpp'
05|....|D-5 1F2F 1.3|--- .... ...|--- .... F..|
06|..3F|--- .... ...|C-4 .C.. ...|--- .... ...|
07|....|--- .... ...|--- .... ...|E-5 ...F ...|
(Nu) - number
(EPer) - Envelope Period
(Not) - Note (C-1...B-8)
(S) - Sample (0 - keep, 1-9 & A-W - set)
(E) - Envelope Form (0, 1-F - set) (8,C,A,E,D,F)
(I) - Image (0 - keep, 1-9 & A-W - set)
(V) - Volume (0 - keep, 1-F set) 

(Cpp) - command 
1pp - slide up
2pp - slide down
3pp - portamento
4pp - noise
Fpp - tempo (F03 min, FFF max)
F00 - set volume 0 (to realise just set value 1-F in Volume)

p.s. make sure that all patterns you need are placed
to Position List. If not - pattern not be saved!

    __ __ _________________________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_POSITIONS & HEIGHTS LIST_/_/__ _

[W] - inc. number of pattern or height value
[S] - dec. number of pattern or height value
[SPACE] or [GRAF.MODE] - clear value

[1] - set begin of loop 
[2] - set end of loop

    __ __ _________________________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_SAMPLES / IMAGES MANAGER_/_/__ _

[SS+N] or [0] - rename sample/image
[1] - [9], [A] - [W]  - fast select sample/image
[ENTER] - select sample/image under cursor

[SS+C] - copy image/sample in bufer
[SS+V] - paste image/sample from bufer

    __ __ ________________________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_SAMPLES / IMAGES EDITOR_/_/__ _

[SS+W] - clone position
[SS+Q] - cut position
[W], [S] - slow inc/dec value
[E], [D] - fast inc/dec value
[SPACE] or [GRAF.MODE] - clear value
[1] - set begin loop
[2] - set end loop

[Z], [X], [C] - play (w/o env.) and set note C-4, D-4 or E-4 
[ENTER] - play (C-4, D-4 or E-4) with env.form 'E'

[B] - accumulation on/off
[N] - mask on/off
[M] - change sign or volume dec/inc     

    __ __ __________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_DISK MENU_/_/__ _

[L] - load module
[S] - save module

    __ __ _______________ __ __ _ _
_ ___ /_/_DISK CATALOGUE_/_/__ _

[R] or [SS+R] - reread disk catalogue
[N] or [SS+N] - change file name (for save/load)
[ENTER] - select file under cursor (so, use [N] before saving!)


thanx & greats:

lvd for koding konsultations
siril for technikal konsultations & freq.tables diskussions
sam style for koding diskussions
nq for musika support
splin7er for musika support
karbo for musika support
riskej for musica support
sauron, joe, riskej & others dudes who wrote tracks in ftr 1.00
orion & sauron for best tracker-format on speccy 

tmk, quite, ea, factor6, x-agon, yerzmyey, gasman
                         & others guys for good non-ftr musika!
and of coz greats to all guys who wrote musika on real hardware!

hopy u'll enjoy this version of Fast Tracker! :)

                                      (C) 1998 Digital Reality
                                               (R) 2018 MAYhEM 

                sandrowski[mayHem]  /  27.dec.2017-05.mar.2o18