
7 deadly sins by Net Generation

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──────────────────────────────────────────────────── n e t g e n e r  t i o n
──────────────────────────────────────────────────── 7 d e  d l y s i n s

                              Final Release
                          3rd Place at Crash 97

+────────────────────<( Technical stuff about the demo )>─────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ - Seven Deadly Sins, this is really our first project. We really hope       │
│   that you will enjoy this!                                                 │
│ - We use a very old engine that Vastator wrote with the aid of TimJ.        │
│ - It sucks, and will soon be replaced :) So, to avoid embarrasing ourselves,│
│   we won't be posting stats on it :)                                        │
│ - We proudly use SEAL 1.03 written by Carlos Hasan aka. Pelusa of PM        │
│ - Our VBE 2.0 code is also old, written mostly by TimJ, you can find a much │
│   newer version of the code on cdrom.com, it's released under Vertigo, as   │
│   TimJ is also a member of that group.                                      │
│ - This demo was planned 8 months ago, but the actual coding started about   │
│   4-5 months ago (although 70% of the demo was coded in the past month :))  │
│                                                                             │

│                              Requirements                                   │

  Vesa 2.0 video card, or UNIVBE loaded with Linear Frame Buffer support.
  12 Megabytes of RAM

│                             Considerations                                  │

  IRQ MUST BE 7 OR BELOW!!!!!!!!!!! (I think :))

│                              Instructions                                   │

  Run univbe.exe
  Run 7ds.exe (run with -h for cmdline options)

+─────────────────────────────<( Credits )>───────────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ Abe .................................. Rendered Art / The awesome 3D models │
│ Inner Vision / Kosmic ................................. 2D art / Being lazy │
│ Melmoth / Dream Factory ............................................ 2D art │
│ Neure ................................................... 2D Art / Textures │
│ Shagrat / Tundra ................................................... 2D art │
│ Silver .......................................... 2D art / The wicked music │
│ TNT ................................................... 2D art / Being lazy │
│ TS / Exceed .................................................... Ascii Logo │
│ Vastator ..................................... Bad Coding / Design / Vocals │
│          ................................ NFO / Some ugly 2D art and meshes │
│ Zorlim ....................................... NFO / Web Pages / Being lazy │
│                                                                             │

+───────────────────────────<( Appreciations )>───────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│  Vastator would like to thank the following:                                │
│                                                                             │
│    God - For creating the Universe, and humanity.                           │
│    Vector / Vertigo - For putting up with me and my various little 'tests'  │
│                       for EIGHT #$@!#!@ MONTHS! :)                          │
│    TimJ - I would be nothing without your help, plain and simple.           │
│    Narq - for giving me some handy 320x600 modeX fakemode code.             │
│    Distance - who I will not forget for testing my stuff and helping me out │
│               the numerous times I was on the verge of having a nervous     │
│               breakdown.                                                    │
│    Beta - Who also was one of the initial testers.                          │
│    Scid, Sirmikey, NewAnder, MrZ,  -  for testing the engine in its early   │
│    Kombat, xLs, WiteShade, Kindred,   stages. This helped me iron out MANY  │
│    and Liam the Lemming               stupid little bugs :)                 │
│    Tom Hammersley - your page is great and it definitely helped me out.     │
│    Fysx and Seks403 - for holding the best demoparty I've ever gone to,     │
│                       and for not giving up when only 60 or so ppl showed.  │
│                                                                             │
│                                                                             │
│    And of course, the rest of Net Generation, for putting up with a psycho  │ 
│    freak like me for a year and for being there when I needed you.          │
│                                                                             │

+─────────────────────────────<( Greetings )>─────────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ Vastator ....... My parents, Beta, Scid, Sirmikey, VECTOR, Mrz, Kombat      │
│                  Lemm, CPiX, LNX, Codex, Walker, Melmoth, IV, TS, Imode     │
│                  Viznut, TimJ, Erise, Luv Kohli, Wog, PGM, BigCheese, Karski│
│                  Hotblack, Midnight, Pelusa, Altair, Gurdan, Adept, MZ      │
│                  Onyx, Icepick, PGeist, Chowderhead, Virne, Deathstar       │
│                  WSpirit, Lumpy, DISTANCE REPPITOSLA BABY!, Mikmak, Ravian  │
│                  Cyberjon, Mikael Kalms (may he rest in peace), Statix      │
│                  Aap and Vic (stoners :)), Jake/Remedy, Henchman/Remedy     │
│                  Fysx and seks403, 40ounce and nico, Melan, Feather, _GORE! │
│                  Assassin, Cedex, Pahladin, Pothead Pixie, Dreamer, Xhale   │
│                  Jaws, Deep, Jodie, Headsoft, Fall, Bartist, Martist, Ghyll │
│                  Sphair, MrData, Brazil, NewAnder, Fagger errr Gaffer       │
│                  Goblin, Xerxes, JTown, Narq, Magellan, Danta, Eliot, Fuzzy │
│                  xLs (damn u :)), Xcene, UNREAL/Pulse, CyberEagle, PINKER   │
│                  Scholar, Mellow-D, HigherBeing, Anix, Breakpoint, One1     │
│                  Phoenix, Rimbo, ParticleX, Scirocco, Kneebiter, cd, ior    │
│                  Shock, Leviathan, Depth, LakEEE, god (small g), WiteShade  │
│                  Nemesis, Cthulu, George and Jake/TenK, Algorhythmic,       │
│                  Scooter, Sp'ange, Incarnate, Bob was it?(from South Africa)│
│                  Bluemax, Sylphin, c_ray_c, moony, Lewpy, moopy, that psycho│
│                  Dairy Queen chick who threw icecream at her co-workers,    │
│                  Fred, Kindred, and all the others whom I like and have     │
│                  slipped my mind.. sorry sorry (it's 5am and I need rest).  │
│                  Ofcoz greets go to #coders, and #daskmig in general.       │
│                  Oh yes, superjysigreets to Jennifer Hicks, whom I will     │
│                  probably never see in my life again.                       │
│                                                                             │
│ Zorlim ......... Viznut / pWp, Sindrome, WT, Beta, #coders, Tonic / sYmptom │ 
│                                                                             │

+───────────────────────────<( Group Greetings )>─────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ (in case you couldn't catch all of them in the demo)                        │
│                                                                             │
│ A-Men, Acme, Artificial People, Astroidea, Beyond, Cheese, Daskmig,         │ 
│ Dead Beef, Dolphin, Doomsday, East Coast Militia, Esteem, Headsoft,         │
│ Immortals, Jello, Miracle, Orange, Paranoids, Pulse, pWp, Sanction,         │
│ The Black Lotus, T.P.O.L.M., Vertigo, and Waterlogic.                       │
│                                                                             │
│ From Crash:                                                                 │
│                                                                             │
│ Cataclysm, Divine, Guild, TenK, and Xi (how the hell did I forget Xi?)      │
│                                                                             │

+──────────────────────────────<( Respects )>─────────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ $een, CNCD, Coma, Complex, Craw, Da Cheese Brigade, Deathstar, Future Crew, │
│ EMF, GMF, Halcyon, Japotek, Melon, MFX, Nooon, Psychic Link, Rage, Remedy,  │
│ Trauma, Triton, The Space Pigs, Valhalla, and Vista.                        │
│                                                                             │

+──────────────────────────<( NetGen's Members )>─────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ Abe ...................................................... 3D / Mesh Artist │
│ Beta ................................................................ Coder │
│ Erise ............................................................... Coder │
│ Luv Kohli ........................................................ Musician │
│ Neure ....................................................... Artist, Coder │
│ PGM .............................................................. Musician │
│ Silver ................................................... Artist, Musician │
│ TimJ ................................................................ Coder │
│ TNT ................................................................ Artist │
│ Vastator ............................................................ Coder │
│ Wog .................................................. Moral Support, Coder │
│ Zorlim ............................................................. Art/PR │
│                                                                             │

+───────────────────────────<( Interesting Facts )>───────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ 1. Yes, that was the Potato Salad tunnel in Wrath.                          │
│ 2. The face used in the Wrath 2D bump was actually MrZ/Astroidea with horns.│
│ 3. We actually had people asking to put their pictures in our demo... but   │
│    we went along and used Fred's, and the BP, Anix, One1 group's (permission│
│    ofcoz was asked).                                                        │
│ 4. Vastator, while coding this demo suffered numerous nervous breakdowns and│
│    wondered if he'd live to see the next day.                               │
│ 5. The hands picture in Greed was actually an unintentional co-op between   │
│    Inner Vision and Melmoth (ie: Inner Vision drew it halfway and was too   │
│    lazy to finish it, and Melmoth then took the liberty of finishing it).   │
│ 6. No, this was not intended as a joke demo, and if you thought it was, let │
│    us know so we can start crying.                                          │
│ 7. No porcupines were harmed while making this demo (infact, no porcupines  │
│    were even involved in the making of this demo).                          │
│ 8. No, we are NOT Team #coders.                                             │
│ 9. See #8.                                                                  │
│10. We wrote this demo as a deterrent to sinning, as sinning is just wrong.  │
│    Follow the 10 Commandments, and life will be all peachy.                 │
│11. Only 14 potatoes were harmed during the creation of this demo.           │
│12. Goto 1.                                                                  │
│                                                                             │

+──────────────────────────<( How to contact us )>────────────────────────────+
│                                                                             │
│ ───────────────────> E─Mail: zorlim@clinet.fi (Zorlim) <─────────────────── │
│ ────────────────> E─Mail: mocanu@blvl.igs.net (Vastator) <───────────────── │
│ ─────────────────> WEB: http://www.mpoli.fi/~zorlim/ng/ <────────────────── │
│                                                                             │