
Evoke 2015 - 31 July - 2 August - Köln-Kalk

category: parties [glöplog]
picard: I didn't mean to be that passive aggressive. I respect that work (actually, it's pretty nice), but I for myself am not a huge fan of any kind of surveillance. Didn't we have enough of that already? Does it bring any benefits?
I know that many sceners just don't care and unfortunately the group of people who care seems to be/become a minority.

Oh dear God, it's a party feature that makes the party look better afterwards. Do we really have to have parties actually make a rule about how pictures/photos/video will be taken and you implicitly agree to that after buying a ticket?
added on the 2015-08-03 12:55:20 by Gargaj Gargaj
I love it when you call me like that :D. Hi gargaj <3. Yep - I don't like surveillance - that's my personal opinion and it's okay to have an opinion, right?
added on the 2015-08-03 13:07:38 by las las
Troll senses tingling...

Anyway, thanks again for the great party!

Fuckings to lamers who rather visit LAN parties.. ;)

See you again next year.
added on the 2015-08-03 13:25:11 by glxblt glxblt

Nice work.

Neither am I (and I MEAN it!) about the big brother's everywhere eyes. But, strangly, here, in this very particular case, well... Nothing wong really happened, ain't it (I do not know, simply asking).
And I think you knew about the "surveillance" - The streaming were available.

@evoke orgas (an all the other orgas reading me here):
This kind of party is just priceless. The most wonderful things have no price. Thank you for that (and to all the helpfull hands)!
It is also to all the PARTY organizers - thank you for the all the effort you put in to it.

Cheers =).
added on the 2015-08-03 13:31:50 by sim sim
Oh dear God, it's a party feature that makes the party look better afterwards. Do we really have to have parties actually make a rule about how pictures/photos/video will be taken and you implicitly agree to that after buying a ticket?

If it's official promotional material they absolutely should do that.

It should be possible to go to a party and not have pictures or video of you published, either because you're just shy or because you don't want to have pictures of you drunk plastered over the Internet. And you shouldn't really have to justify why.

Note that there's a difference between when I'm on a stage doing a dj set (in which I've chosen to put myself in the spotlight) and when I'm just sitting in a corner with googlyeyes after several hits from the French strawberry potion.
added on the 2015-08-03 13:53:23 by lug00ber lug00ber
It should be possible to go to a party and not have pictures or video of you published

I'm just curious how is a sped up timelapse video where people are hard to distinguish worse than the thousands of actual still photos that have been published over the last few decades of partying.

I'm all about discussing consent and privacy when it comes to making pictures, but I can't stand for a double standard.
added on the 2015-08-03 14:18:25 by Gargaj Gargaj
to be fair, nobody asked for the timelapse to be removed, it was just a question by las.
But of course Gragaj is right, the discussions about exposure at demoparties is valid (and as an organizer I really do appreciate all the coverage and pictures afterwards), but as long as slengpung is openly accessible and almost every party is streamed in realtime the discussion about other materials like videos or timelapses seems rather pointless... (although one could argue that removing pictures from the 'pung is easier than removing them from a ready-made timelapse, but oh well).
added on the 2015-08-03 14:30:35 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
@sim, you were there?! too bad we didn't meet!
added on the 2015-08-03 14:45:34 by dipswitch dipswitch
Actually, I was surprised to see it removed.
I agree pretty much with what lug00ber said - but there are way more reasons than being shy etc. Maybe read 1984 or something...

Let me add: I also do not like photographers CREEPING around. Happens all the time, more often at evoke. Photographing a group of three people, while (obviously) trying to hide behind some stuff (hi you, did see you coming, you failed), is also not OK. No double standards from my side here: A video is just a fast slideshow.

In case somebody wants a proper flamewar/trollfest/serious discussion - maybe open up a new thread? This is not exactly an evoke issue.
added on the 2015-08-03 14:52:13 by las las
Wait, people are seriously bitching about a timelapse video?

Just wait till next year, I'm bringing my 200mm telezoom and everyone and their nosehairs are on Facebook after that.
added on the 2015-08-03 14:57:40 by glxblt glxblt
Reads like "You have a problem with guns? I'll bring my sniper rifle and shot EVERYONE in the head!" - nice one glxblt ;)
added on the 2015-08-03 15:06:07 by las las
I removed the original because I agree that the GoPro footage scenes were too intrusive. Paused 4K frames showed too much details and the recording device was small to notice. For individual photos one can ask the author a take down, but with a timelapse it's difficult.

Never the less I hope the DSLR long exposure "blurry" clips are acceptable and maybe have some artistic value.
added on the 2015-08-03 15:39:41 by picard picard
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For the organizing, for the releases, for the delightful and friendly conversations.
Thank you for Sweet Dreams, ION'15, for the WAFEL, for the LDD.

Hope to meet you soon!

You can video, photo, stream, timelapse me! Even if I'm drunk! :)
added on the 2015-08-03 15:46:08 by Maugli Maugli
Shout out to the orga-team. The toilet-cleaning taskforce was awesome. I want to see something similar at Revision, especially after day 2... ;)
added on the 2015-08-03 15:55:55 by nodepond nodepond
I missed being at Evoke. I seriously, seriously missed it. See you next year.
added on the 2015-08-03 16:27:52 by Preacher Preacher
It should be possible to go to a party and not have pictures or video of you published, either because you're just shy or because you don't want to have pictures of you drunk plastered over the Internet. And you shouldn't really have to justify why.

At first - I am not defending video-lurking and intrusive recording, heavens NO!
Only saying - it is nice to have flips from the party. And keep them privately...

Since decades ppl were taking pictures of other dudes sleeping, with pants off or (completely or not) drunk. Ppl were shy or not. I do not imagine too often someone running after the photographer saying "I do not agree, delete the picture now!" (althou it happens).

If one does not like to be taken drunk, or i.e. naked, there is no other way like to drink responsively and/or behave. No other remedy for that, imo. What is the difference between making stupid things in front of hundreds of ppl at the party and some more posted here or there (I underline, I DO respect privacy, mine or others).

It is also a question of, so-called, good taste (which often is neglected in the name of "good fun") of "publishing" such photos or not.

Another case - what is the interest of taking a photo of a drunken individual. As for shyness - it may happen.

Ha! And what we gonna do with all the scheissPhone-cloud-permanent-connected devices...

Well, all in all, perhaps on the future ticket there will be a note about the party streaming going on and a possibility of being photographed...
added on the 2015-08-03 16:41:31 by sim sim
Never the less I hope the DSLR long exposure "blurry" clips are acceptable and maybe have some artistic value.

Niiice =).
About the camera rotation - what did you used to make it rotate fluently? Thanx!
added on the 2015-08-03 16:45:04 by sim sim
For long exposure a constant rotating mount is not sufficient. Shutter needs to be in sync with periodic rotation pauses. I used a commercial solution:
Skywatcher Star Adventurer with the remote shutter cable.
added on the 2015-08-03 16:59:17 by picard picard
anyway, perfect party again!
added on the 2015-08-03 17:04:48 by el mal el mal
Great solution, indeed! Köszi for your info! =)

We gonna meet next time =).
added on the 2015-08-03 20:31:00 by sim sim
Oh, also, where can we find the full version of that party jingle? IIRC it was mentioned that it was by wright&bastard?
okay, I found the jingle version and it says that the full version is "coming soon"...
sorry saga, but we have a deal with bobic. my lips are sealed ...
added on the 2015-08-03 21:49:45 by dq dq
enjoy this until
added on the 2015-08-03 21:59:55 by dq dq
