But seriously. How about a drug free demoparty?
category: general [glöplog]
yeah, because if one behaves/is chill while (a bit) drunk or whatever why bringing something like that up in the first place? it simply does not make any sense to me :)
see ya guys at X! :)
Quote:the overwhelming majority of demoparties are drug-free
coffee everywhere. ass
Basic nutrients don´t count ;)

could be difficult, since I consider computer as a drug and myself as an addict.
What's the definition of drug free here? Drugs (other than caffeine) aren't allowed inside the partyplace at Assembly. As far as I know, the same goes for Instanssi, and I've heard nothing but good things about Instanssi.
The only example of an event that was stricter than that was the infamous Lamerfest 2004 where practically the whole scene was banned before the party even started because some sceners had beers outside the partyplace. Let's just say that no one remembers that party very fondly.
The only example of an event that was stricter than that was the infamous Lamerfest 2004 where practically the whole scene was banned before the party even started because some sceners had beers outside the partyplace. Let's just say that no one remembers that party very fondly.
Booze-free Boozembly?
yay. limitations are an awesome boost for creatives.
Lets do the party drugfree, vegan and only mouse in left hands....
Also we could crush the language-barrier when we all learn signed languages ;-)
Lets do the party drugfree, vegan and only mouse in left hands....
Also we could crush the language-barrier when we all learn signed languages ;-)
I prefer left-handed mousing and I can flawlessly say "brother" in japanese sign language. And transvegan food beverages is totally fine for me ;)
yay. limitations are an awesome boost for creatives.
Lets do the party drugfree, vegan and only mouse in left hands....
Also we could crush the language-barrier when we all learn signed languages ;-)
Now i get it! It is meant to be a party where the alcohol and drugs are free! Count me in!
lol :)
obviously a demo against alcohol would place last
That depends on your humoristic skills of demagogy to meme it into reality.
Now then, with you being you ... meaning a stick in the arse zealot, I highlly doubt that your "anti-beer" demo would gain any votes.
Oh crap, I should change the title of my presentation ASAP
drug free demoparty sounds good! can i bring my dog?
dogs will actually be mandatory at the scoopex drug free demoparty! \o/

of course you bring the dog. we have the bbq.
We've had plenty of drug-free (as in: no alcohol allowed) parties over the years. There's still one in Sweden that runs yearly since ages: Birdie
If that's your thing, just do it.
If that's your thing, just do it.
we could crush the language-barrier when we all learn signed languages
because negative english is best english