Origin of handles
category: general [glöplog]
Sound of disgust when people see my prods! ;-)
Also my initials (phonetically).
Also my initials (phonetically).
Needed an IRC nick back in 1997, so constructed something. Not sure why I decided on diamonds as I have no particular affinity for them, probably more for the phonetic side. Could have been better, but the other ideas I had were way worse.
Nothing particularly special about my nick. Back in 1997 I was a big fan of Epic's Unreal and played the coop story campaign extensively with my friends. I grew very fond of the game's soundtrack and the graphics / level design. That mighty tower (called The Sunspire), stretching all the way from a lava pit into space, with the starfield peeking through a layer of moving clouds and a faint planet in the far distance really blew me away back then.

I enjoy observing the night sky, both in games and real life, it often inspires me to compose new tunes. So the name was a perfect fit and I stuck with it ever since :)

I enjoy observing the night sky, both in games and real life, it often inspires me to compose new tunes. So the name was a perfect fit and I stuck with it ever since :)
Needed an IRC nick back in 1997, so constructed something. Not sure why I decided on diamonds as I have no particular affinity for them, probably more for the phonetic side. Could have been better, but the other ideas I had were way worse.
do you pronounce it 'diamondye or 'diamondee'?
So my original handle was pro[st], a derivate of prost, prosit, the bavarian word for cheers. I ended up using prost in the first place, mainly due to excessive beer drinking with sceners back then in y2k. at some point it got translated to a simplified "pro" as a funny shortcut. hell who knows, now i sound like an arrogant prick :D

well it was susposed to be mature at the time : originally spelled : nitric... our coder said it would look bad ass with Y and K
My handle is from the tape-drive error message on C64. Nowadays I often go under the handle rloaderro as suggested by BitchX because there was another loaderror online on IRC.
one of my alteregos is Maali because it means paint in Finnish and in true oldskool acronym style of your real name. Tron Jeremy came up as a joke after discussing the concept of a homoerotic cock fight wearing glow in the dark condoms, which frankly is more Star Wars than Tron but well, I couldn't be bothered to name myself Luke Spunkwanker, Wank Solo or Arse Vader
one of my alteregos is Maali because it means paint in Finnish and in true oldskool acronym style of your real name.
How about Liima, its a Finnish word too...
Merry X, Alyssa Malino, velochiropractor, Julian Lasagne, x, Actor Cobain, Tron Jeremy, Adam Malysz, nnnnnnnnnnnnnn, [X], /\/\/\/\\_\, GayFalcon, BAAMI, Tron Swanson, Pablo Escrollbar, Miami Fleisch and malum malus: thanks for the explanation! i guess.. :)
and that list isn't even complete!
could be Maali-Liima, which is either paint-glue or goal-glue... anyway, would suit. :D
when i was a teen, a guy told me that i kinda look like ricky martin, as a joke. i thought it was funny too
My nick came directly from this movie, for various reasons. Yep it's a horror movie, a transfer from VHS (I think) - there's a DVD available with a better quality transfer. A Blu-Ray version is iminent as the original movie was shot in quite high definition back in the eighties originally.
My nick was born sometime around November 17th, 1990, when I took on and successfully defeated one of a number of emotionally abusive bullies who I encountered in the original town where I was born. Parents at the time didn't like it, but what the f*ck; I defeated a bully and broke its arm, shoulder and collarbone in a fight. One shoulder shove or barge. Walked away personally living the dream ......
Please note, this particular person is defintely * not * anyone within the demoscene or UK retrogaming scene. I am not a violent person.
My nick was born sometime around November 17th, 1990, when I took on and successfully defeated one of a number of emotionally abusive bullies who I encountered in the original town where I was born. Parents at the time didn't like it, but what the f*ck; I defeated a bully and broke its arm, shoulder and collarbone in a fight. One shoulder shove or barge. Walked away personally living the dream ......
Please note, this particular person is defintely * not * anyone within the demoscene or UK retrogaming scene. I am not a violent person.
I'm not totally happy with the nick, but it could be worse :D
True. You could be an intolerant Austrian with a nym that sounds like another famously intolerant Austrian...
Lots of cool stuff here... my favorites are HellMood and the image dixan posted x)
I like Harry Potter and thought, why not go with that
zauberSTAB is a classic Counter-Strike player, and his frags left a lasting impression on me...
Here's a classic frag movie when he played with starComa \m/ (the zauberSTAB segment starts after the 4:10 mark): starComa - sense.ational
Where's my releases you ask? A: They will come when they are done, but definitely Amigaaa! And I don't know if Boozedrome counts? ;-)
zauberSTAB is a classic Counter-Strike player, and his frags left a lasting impression on me...
Here's a classic frag movie when he played with starComa \m/ (the zauberSTAB segment starts after the 4:10 mark): starComa - sense.ational
Where's my releases you ask? A: They will come when they are done, but definitely Amigaaa! And I don't know if Boozedrome counts? ;-)
when i was a very young child i could not pronounce my own name (matias) and said "appas" instead. i had some other nicks when i started using the internet, but went back to the first thing i've called myself some time ago.
My handle, quite obviously, comes from the movie Gremlins. Can't remember where I got the idea for the alternate spelling from, but I started using the handle in the summer of 1994.
Had to change my previous handle as I noticed someone else was already using it (and no, I won't reveal the handle in case someone has any of the lame intromaker crap I released under it, my early britelite-stuff is embarassing enough).
Had to change my previous handle as I noticed someone else was already using it (and no, I won't reveal the handle in case someone has any of the lame intromaker crap I released under it, my early britelite-stuff is embarassing enough).

Had to change my previous handle as I noticed someone else was already using it (and no, I won't reveal the handle in case someone has any of the lame intromaker crap I released under it, my early britelite-stuff is embarassing enough).
Oh, early handles are deliciously shameful, as we were all young and dumb af. Some of mine:
Menace: hi Menace/spb! :D
Mad Vegetable: no idea why I ever changed this, cause this handle rules, might actually go back to it :D
Primal: changed it when I found out there was a Primal in Nostalgia, which stood for Presumed Real In Myths And Legends, which was a way cooler reason than I had, which was the video game Primal Rage.
LogiDwarf: I don't even know where the hell this came from
MethoD: From Method Man of the Wu-Tang Clan, had this for a long time, until Okkie got forced got forced on me.
Okkie: so yeah, got forced onto me, was a gimmic word we used as a catchphrase in our friend group. Some how I became 'okkie' and when I released this song at Bizarre 2000, I decided to stick to it.
I also released tons of shit under tons of fake names :D
LogiDwarf: I don't even know where the hell this came from
lol, I love that one
Mine came from my surname, the nickname was given to me by my friends, as these often happen.
No doubt the fact that the recently deceased comedian Jope Ruonansuu was at the peak of his popularity around the same time played some role as to why my last name was twisted into to this form. Oh well, he died last week, RIP, and now I'm the fittest Jope by natural selection.
No doubt the fact that the recently deceased comedian Jope Ruonansuu was at the peak of his popularity around the same time played some role as to why my last name was twisted into to this form. Oh well, he died last week, RIP, and now I'm the fittest Jope by natural selection.
aight now to some of my other handles (which i dont use too often):
flashtrance: since i make music i wanted to come up with a name for my trance project and this came up in my mind. (also there is a demotrack from triace with that name. oh well)
szabanh: i saw someone using that handle in a dream i once had. when i searched it i couldnt find someone using it so i just HAD to
the enigmatic mind: its just my weak attempt at making a name for my (occasional) psytrance project. (i dont make psytrance that much.)
flashtrance: since i make music i wanted to come up with a name for my trance project and this came up in my mind. (also there is a demotrack from triace with that name. oh well)
szabanh: i saw someone using that handle in a dream i once had. when i searched it i couldnt find someone using it so i just HAD to
the enigmatic mind: its just my weak attempt at making a name for my (occasional) psytrance project. (i dont make psytrance that much.)
do you pronounce it 'diamondye or 'diamondee'?
Normally I'd pronounce it the Finnish way. :P (Which is probably similar to how it would be pronounced as a Dutch word written DiamonDië.) But if talking with non-Finnish folks, everyone pronounces it -dye.
I originally posted that on a demoscene facebook group, did not feel like changing what I wrote, so there you go:
Back in the days (1984-ish) , my English was even poorer than it is now, and I was mix and matching French and English in unnatural ways, so I pronounced the "Dbug II" as "Débeugue tout" (literally "Debugs everything").

That did not work for either English people (who did not know that "Two" was supposed to be the word "tout" they did not know about anyway), or for French people who kept saying "Hi Debeugue Deux!" ("Deux" being "Two" in French) when they met me in parties.
As a result I dropped the "II" around 1990 after years of use.
Back in the days (1984-ish) , my English was even poorer than it is now, and I was mix and matching French and English in unnatural ways, so I pronounced the "Dbug II" as "Débeugue tout" (literally "Debugs everything").

That did not work for either English people (who did not know that "Two" was supposed to be the word "tout" they did not know about anyway), or for French people who kept saying "Hi Debeugue Deux!" ("Deux" being "Two" in French) when they met me in parties.
As a result I dropped the "II" around 1990 after years of use.