5th Annual Demoscene Card Exchange
category: general [glöplog]

This past year has been quite weird... but here we are: The 5th annual Demoscene Card Exchange!
Join again to send and receive end of year "cards" with other people. Sign up, get creative, wait for your recipients, then post the results! (pun intended)
The deadline to join is November 3rd.
Sign up: https://demoscene.exchanges.cards
Rules and FAQ: https://demoscene.exchanges.cards/rules
For first timers, I definitely recommend reading the rules. I think being creative is neat, but do what you're comfortable with. 🙂
If you decide to post photos of what you receive, don't forget to cover any personal information like addresses before posting.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Just when I thought I was out, they... Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Okay, I'm in.
Looks like I'm in too.
Okay, I'm in.
Two weeks left to sign-up!
Materials ordered..
One week left to sign up!
Okay, I´m in.
Okay, I´m in.
I recognise your avatar, Nova! Wasn't it an animation used in Rebels' Megademo 2? It bopped to the beat, as I remember.
Assignments posted!
Email reminders will go out early on the morning of the 6th as I missed today's cron window.
I also only promised assignments on the 6th, so beating my own self-imposed deadline as always. 😉
Email reminders will go out early on the morning of the 6th as I missed today's cron window.
I also only promised assignments on the 6th, so beating my own self-imposed deadline as always. 😉
I'll probably mail mine this week, so I'm probably way early =)
Two people I've matched with have not included name in their address. Here's hoping the address is enough. (should be.. in some places in the world just a six letter code is enough and everything else is sugar)
...and sent
Two people I've matched with have not included name in their address. Here's hoping the address is enough. (should be.. in some places in the world just a six letter code is enough and everything else is sugar)
I don't know all the countries that require it, but Germany is the major one I know of that requires a name.
I know you already sent yours (message above) but for other people they can always put the person's handle on the letter I guess.
I ask on the sign-up form people include a name if they want to or it's required to deliver letters in their own country.
I don't really want to go to mandatory Name, Line 1, Line 2, etc. because worldwide addresses are complicated and there's no way I'd get that right. 😅
yeah, I'm pretty sure people know how to enter their addresses so that stuff gets to them.
That was fast! your card turned up a couple days agoTwo people I've matched with have not included name in their address. Here's hoping the address is enough. (should be.. in some places in the world just a six letter code is enough and everything else is sugar)