
DJs at Demoparties

category: parties [glöplog]
As a sidetrack I'd like to also ask a few opinions about level of volume. Shall parties be loud or somewhat silent?

I noticed lately that parties in Sweden are getting more and more silent and the few parties that aren't silent gets divided into two rooms, where one room is silent.
added on the 2005-06-24 16:39:29 by Psychad Psychad
What about a Kyd & Balle concert? :)

added on the 2005-06-24 16:41:30 by orb orb
I don't care.
added on the 2005-06-24 16:45:52 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Shall parties be loud or somewhat silent?

I don't have a problem with load parties, but there should be a law against playing the same stuff over and over again.
added on the 2005-06-24 17:46:21 by sparcus sparcus
i'm all for. live gigs rock. i'd like to see more gigs of sceners livesetting their own music though, i've a feeling the focus is often either on redoing the oldschool in a funny way (gameboybritney, a band playing the 2nd reality tune, an idiot singing in spanish over a chiptune, etc) or just sceners who happen to also be a dj (sortof unrelated, really) don't get me wrong - these things kick major butt too, but a *scener* rocking the crowd with his *own* stuff beats it five times, imo.

on volume, siderooms are a perfect solution imo. especially if they form the connection to 'where it all happens' like on bcnparty (fake meadow) or breakpoint (where the sideroom was way too small, sadly) if no sideroom available, good planning works too.
added on the 2005-06-24 18:55:36 by skrebbel skrebbel
i insist on skrebbel doing a live-gig at SE.
For big parties, I'd rather see DJ's in places that wasn't the main hall so that people who wanted to dance could go there, and those who wanted to be nerdy with their machines could sit without "being disturbed" by random music/sounds (unless you are sitting behind/in front of/besides Metalvotze).

Livegigs, on the other hand, like BASS and Ultrasound should be welcome on the main stage though, since such bands are directly scene related and plays scene music.
but a *scener* rocking the crowd with his *own* stuff beats it five times, imo.

you sure you wanna take the risk of BASS playing own songs? :D
added on the 2005-06-24 20:23:56 by Gargaj Gargaj
actually, i've never been to a demo party with live music / DJ's , and I always kind of miss the phenomenon. I'd be happy to see something similar once.
added on the 2005-06-24 22:36:22 by kelsey kelsey
kelsey: you've been to ONE party so far and it had a live act during friday night...
added on the 2005-06-24 22:43:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
erm... don't remember? :) i think i missed them, then.
added on the 2005-06-24 22:46:24 by kelsey kelsey
added on the 2005-06-24 22:48:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
rasmus, i'm sad to report that i will not attend SE, for i will be on a holiday then (dressed up sortof like during my live on se03).

however, not all hope is lost, for i heard that Stream MEGA! might feature at least one stunning live performance!
added on the 2005-06-24 23:10:26 by skrebbel skrebbel
you sure you wanna take the risk of BASS playing own songs? :D

honestly? yes. if you guys'd actually try that, i think the results could be very interesting. i think you'd invent a totally new genre (for a standard rock band setup at least) right away, without even thinking twice about it.
added on the 2005-06-24 23:12:43 by skrebbel skrebbel
Its a party, why wouldn't you have a band playing? We try to make it scene related if possible. I'd love to find someone who can perform on a theremin.
added on the 2005-06-25 00:26:01 by legalize legalize
skrebbel: i doubt "thrash metal" is a new genre ;D
added on the 2005-06-25 01:58:57 by Gargaj Gargaj
sparcus, heh... i remember also some raves in denmark - trying to get some sleep at tp7 in the last party hall was nearly impossible while the raves were on.

i'm all for extra program like gigs, dj / vj sets and so on. this may be even a way to evoke interest among normal mundanes to demoscene - like with the evoke netlabel night last year. it may be a good idea to have sets in a separate place or hall so that there's at least some more peaceful place left for those who don't feel like partying - but then again the ones who are coming to a demoparty and expecting it to be all nice and peaceful should really ... <sensored rumbling and mumbling>
added on the 2005-06-25 21:13:42 by melw melw
talking about noise and trying to get to sleep: at the last tum I first tried to sleep in the quiet sleeping hall, but some guy was snoring like hell and it annoyed me so much that I went back into the party hall and started sleeping below in table... within less than a minute.

Nothing makes you sleep better than some good old fashioned party noise :-)
added on the 2005-06-25 21:53:21 by sparcus sparcus
i think i 'slept' close to that very same dude at BP04 :P
added on the 2005-06-25 22:16:05 by el mal el mal
hmm, so it must have been some guy who went to both parties...

I bet it was Okkie :-)
added on the 2005-06-25 22:22:01 by sparcus sparcus
but some guy was snoring like hell and it annoyed me so much that I went back into the party hall and started sleeping below in table..

My bet: 100 Euios on Scythoior and additional 20 Euros on Bombe.

Livegigs, on the other hand, like BASS and Ultrasound should be welcome on the main stage

D * H * B * B * say it!

Not only DHBB was in my opinion the bestest band at Breakpoint, they even had dope!!!! I liked the other bads as well since they made some nice live music containing scene music (Ultrabasssound) or at least 8 bit and pornography (Pornophonique).

Covering the topic: Since I haven't heard Desert Dream, Northern Sky, Past & Present, Living in the Past, enigma, Lizardking's theme, 303, Demo Song Nr2, Love, Crack or Die!, ... live yet. Oh and: There aren't enough live versions of the fr-025 and the Second Reality soundtrack (like there aren't enough versions of Axel F. and Popcorn). ;)
if someone get us a way to be there, we will be there!!!


jeenio from Ultrasound
added on the 2005-06-26 04:24:06 by jeenio jeenio

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added on the 2005-06-26 17:17:55 by psenough psenough
ofcourse on superior countries, the higher level of culture causes random live jams to surface at demoparties.

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added on the 2005-06-26 17:24:23 by psenough psenough
ok, maybe it also happens on not so superior countries:

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added on the 2005-06-26 17:28:25 by psenough psenough
