
What do you want to be improved on pouet website?

category: general [glöplog]
And why?
added on the 2005-08-01 23:54:02 by ep ep
logos vote: too slow!
Why not load only thumsnails of them and allow to vote 16 by 16 with one single send and not 16 send?
Can dramatically lower servers loads and fasten the vote.

added on the 2005-08-01 23:56:14 by ep ep
I'd like to get rid of the trolling idiots.
added on the 2005-08-02 00:04:21 by Preacher Preacher
But they're tasty and nutritious!
i want the page to be pink instead of blue. and the trumpets should be little men jumping. and i would like to see less demos and more cartoonrips from the powerpuff girls, oh and please upload more porn! i can't find the porn! what am i doing wrong? i can see cracktros but only ugly c64 tits :(

oh, and can someone make it more better? kthx!
added on the 2005-08-02 00:09:18 by okkie okkie
Allow the rating of the bbs topics instead of the productions.
added on the 2005-08-02 00:23:18 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
pay per page-view program, ty.
added on the 2005-08-02 01:46:50 by makc makc
As mentioned before I would like some kind of connection between users, groups, and prods. Or are we afraid people will claim to be members of elite groups while actually being lamers?
added on the 2005-08-02 02:16:17 by ManJIT ManJIT
We are afraid of unveiling the big big conspiracy: there is in reality only one single person coding, modeling, drawing and composing in the scene under all those different names. A bad case of schyzophrenia if you ask me.

Mm I'm starting to speak like Iwazaru. In the name of harman!
added on the 2005-08-02 08:10:42 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Oh and truck, are you suggesting we are lacking bass?
added on the 2005-08-02 08:11:13 by _-_-__ _-_-__
yeah. some connection to the ppl done the code, music, gfx, design etc in prods would be nice.
added on the 2005-08-02 08:36:54 by Proteque Proteque
No, Treble.
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added on the 2005-08-02 18:56:49 by uns3en_ uns3en_
added on the 2005-08-02 18:57:12 by uns3en_ uns3en_
I) in the bbs section

1/ Less "pouetization" if possible.
Less trolls (not pouet web site related, pouet's users related, I apologize for the digression).

2/ more categories in the bbs as it's a mess, may I say.

II) in the prods section

1/ a little question asking if the download link(s) worked in the prods section and stats updated accordingly: users improve the link database each time they download reporting bad links.

2/ counters for each prods showing:
how many download for this prod totally since upload, how many downloads for this prod last 7 days.

3/ popularity computed accordingly to downloads counter and to comments:
if people download prod that means they want it +1,
if they put a piggy +0,
a thumb down -1,
a thumb up +1

added on the 2005-08-02 19:03:25 by ep ep
Automatic stabbing of trolls in the face, with recording and playback, and an rss feed that tells all sceners 'EP just posted something and was bludgeoned via internet face-stabbing, click here for latest film'
if ep would get his eyes out of his ass, he would see there's already such a popularity/downloads counter available, as well as gloperators fixing borked links as one reports them.
added on the 2005-08-02 20:29:24 by el mal el mal
It's a top notch site, and welldone to all involved in its creations and maintanace. Extremely cool.

A few of my suggestions:

- A little better site navigation and 'How to section'
- A Basic Category. - as there are tons of productions made with them. Would be nice to see.

- Seperate Ratings for music, graphics, and design / flare / style. - and maybe allow for voting on any of them not all at once per post.

- Automatic log of broken links ( Downloads and Websites )

As they say there's no harm in asking.
Cheers and all the best - Clyde
added on the 2005-08-02 20:46:51 by Clyde Clyde
A sense of humour.
+1 for the 2 last suggestions made by Clyde
added on the 2005-08-02 21:30:45 by p01 p01
ah, LOGGING of broken links, yeah, that's way better than auto-deletion.

Mind you they may have that (:

Still, I'm mostly for auto-pouetization of wanking threads by lamers. Push button to instantly insert clue shop, bass, stfu, and stfuypfl,gsyad.
SGT: Yeah, and only a new shiny group of users ranked "Pouetizator" would have those buttons ^_^
added on the 2005-08-02 21:54:45 by p01 p01
another useless feature-request:
top 10 search keywords! then we could see how many ppl actually are seeking pr0n on pouet, and.. stuff..

and we need more animated gif's... huge animated gifs!
added on the 2005-08-02 23:01:17 by red red
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added on the 2005-08-02 23:09:15 by okkie okkie
