Someone help me estudiar el espanol, por favor
category: general [glöplog]

That language card stuff is really useful, i made my own java midlet to my 3100 (quite slow :). And, can i find spanish subtitles for spanish films somewhere? I have yet not. I have just 'bought' some almodovar films, and i've been having buena vista social club and diarios de motocicleta for a long time.
Literature in spanish is quite hard to get here, and i am planning to order some on amazon, but i have no glue which i should, can you (anyone) recommend?
Anyway, i'm processing the escena demoscene faq now :)
That language card stuff is really useful, i made my own java midlet to my 3100 (quite slow :). And, can i find spanish subtitles for spanish films somewhere? I have yet not. I have just 'bought' some almodovar films, and i've been having buena vista social club and diarios de motocicleta for a long time.
Literature in spanish is quite hard to get here, and i am planning to order some on amazon, but i have no glue which i should, can you (anyone) recommend?
Anyway, i'm processing the escena demoscene faq now :)
[b]Featuring next:[b]
[i]Help a nice scener learning japanese.[i]
Yes, I'll be learning japanese in a week or two if there is still place for me in the classes.
Oh, and BASS!
[i]Help a nice scener learning japanese.[i]
Yes, I'll be learning japanese in a week or two if there is still place for me in the classes.
Oh, and BASS!
Yakkitiyak venito toncilaitis thranticillio go-go-gohgggh! Ton Family Show!!
I leave the manly guesture to your own devices
for subs you can try
also, the spanish don´t really care much about copyright law, so you can find most of the subtitles on emule.
as for the books, I don't really read much but there´s tons of them on emule! but I can´t really recommend any cos I wouldn´t know if they´re any good or not.
for subs you can try
also, the spanish don´t really care much about copyright law, so you can find most of the subtitles on emule.
as for the books, I don't really read much but there´s tons of them on emule! but I can´t really recommend any cos I wouldn´t know if they´re any good or not.
disco flojo!!!!! XDDDD
BAJO!!! \o/\o/!
DISCO FLOJO!! \o/\o/!
DISCO FLOJO!! \o/\o/!
Dios, este post es buenisimo! :D
hhc2: you can even learn something scener and written in spanish, searching for becanne magazine. Three first numbers are completely in spanish.
and don't forget some famous slogans of nork^network like:
"Tortuga ar shavá!" (turtle to the child!)
hhc2: you can even learn something scener and written in spanish, searching for becanne magazine. Three first numbers are completely in spanish.
and don't forget some famous slogans of nork^network like:
"Tortuga ar shavá!" (turtle to the child!)
bandera papieras toilettas