
Looking for demo with fox explaining demos

category: general [glöplog]
Very oldschool demo effects explained by a fox and another character, showing some effects on a tv and perhaps a video...

I saw this on M/S or TP but cannot remember what its name is... Any takers?

added on the 2005-10-19 14:39:06 by beyond beyond
ABCDemo by The Project
added on the 2005-10-19 14:40:45 by Gargaj Gargaj
a state of the art - spaceballless
added on the 2005-10-19 14:48:49 by NoahR NoahR
Gargaj - thx
added on the 2005-10-19 14:49:35 by beyond beyond
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added on the 2005-10-19 15:29:00 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
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added on the 2005-10-19 18:56:42 by Tolle Tolle
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added on the 2005-10-19 19:00:34 by Preacher Preacher
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added on the 2005-10-19 19:10:27 by Tolle Tolle
added on the 2005-10-20 00:12:00 by ph0x ph0x
added on the 2005-10-20 00:14:42 by ph0x ph0x
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added on the 2005-10-20 00:18:59 by cyb0rg cyb0rg
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added on the 2005-10-20 00:38:21 by el mal el mal
