your first computer
category: general [glöplog]

Texas Instruments!

with some cartridge stuff! after that C64!

with some cartridge stuff! after that C64!

This was my first computer... Many great memories from this one...

Texas Instruments! (same as premium)

48k should be enough for anyone.

StingRay : der legendaere KC87 zum Finger blutig tippen =]

(actually, one of the more naturally colorered brothers of this was my first)

the 2 screens got replaced with a kickass tv now, as all my actual c64 screens are ooa.

the 2 screens got replaced with a kickass tv now, as all my actual c64 screens are ooa.
WAHHH, Sting...on that KC87 thingie we did a prime number print proggy at the summer-holiday-camp. You know DDR Ferienlager :D
@Computer God: how old are you?
I desperately love Control Data...i love that machines so much...
I desperately love Control Data...i love that machines so much...

c64 =)
what ps said

With the 16k thing, eventually.
CIH: NTSC version of your model.
Yes I need to make a demo on this too.
I still have it.
Course, that is the Canadian version there... you can tell cuz the US didn't have the Foranian typing on it.

Actual picture of my little beautifull Atari 1040STf. <3
CIH: NTSC version of your model.
Yes I need to make a demo on this too.
I still have it.
Yes, do that!! ZX81 pouet beautiful!
It would be an interesting challenge. Quite generous memory, and not much system overhead compared with say, a Vic 20, but mono graphics, and no sound to speak of. I haven't got mine anymore, so you'd have to video capture or make it emulator friendly.
On the other hand, I did obtain a fresh one of these on Ebay recently :-)

Which was my second computer, and the first computer I paid for with my own money.
mrhill: jenau der. :D best keyboard ever =)

Sharp MZ-700 is where it's at, bitches!!
my first computer was some amstrad that i got from my dad's company. it needed a disk to startup and another disk to load the programs. i have no idea about the model. i just know the floppy drives were both of them built-in the right side of the monitor.
after 3 months, my dad took it back because i manage to corrupt all the floppies.
some years laters, the 386...
cd games\trooper [enter]
paratroo [enter]
[bach's prelude and fugue in d minor]
after 3 months, my dad took it back because i manage to corrupt all the floppies.
some years laters, the 386...
cd games\trooper [enter]
paratroo [enter]
[bach's prelude and fugue in d minor]
Toccata & Fugue in D Minor!
First one:

First one: