what is this ? http://intel.de/demoscene/
category: general [glöplog]
\o/ hooray \o/

great demos and good content considering its a 30sec demo compo..
maali: stfu you waste of space.
you guys (fairlight) rock! :)
maali: stfu!
maali: stfu!

I really think this is a cool concept, however, 1 minute demo compos should be pretty much optimal... 30 secs is a bit short... but it would cool to see people push their maximum action in 1 minute... :-) well.. yeah.. I know, who stops you?
heh.. now we can finally listen to the "horrible" original tracks by dj hell -- http://intel.seefeeldo.com/newsletter/?nlid=12
http://intel.seefeeldo.com/newsletter/?nlid=12 -- because BBcode is gay.
A little summary to help:
- ASD and FR took the melodies from Track 4 but left it otherwise intact.
- CNS sampled Track 1 but only used a synth riff and replaced the rest
- FLT expanded on Track 2
- MFX took Track 5 and remastered it but left it largely intact
There's a reason why Track 3 wasn't touched at all.
- ASD and FR took the melodies from Track 4 but left it otherwise intact.
- CNS sampled Track 1 but only used a synth riff and replaced the rest
- FLT expanded on Track 2
- MFX took Track 5 and remastered it but left it largely intact
There's a reason why Track 3 wasn't touched at all.
- ASD and FR took the melodies from Track 4 but left it otherwise intact.
"left it otherwise unused" i mean.
The tracks themselves are leechable from thru track5.mp3 respectively.
we originally did what gargaj described, but extended the length of the track to about 53 seconds (43 seconds of audio + 10 seconds of silence in the end)... a day before the deadline we found out 30sec is absolute and we had to quickly shorten the track. Random glitches etc were added. original idea was to just remaster, but it ended up being mild remixing.
ewww...the original "tracks" sound awful. I mean how much did Intel pay him to release either 4 "sketches" from the archive or for a sunday afternoon sitdown session o_O.
Duality was quite good. It fitted the mood of the competition. The others - not.
it fitted the mood of the competition??
oh well.
oh well.
owned :D
thec: We even released a 1 min prod without there being a dedicated compo for it! And we won! http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=10514
Uh? Am I the only one who find those tracks ok for their length? They do convey the feeling of that kind of "bare" club-oriented music quite well.
I'm with Uncle-X and knos here - I have NO idea what you guys are bitching about with these tracks.
I fully expected these to be unlistenable shite, and, they're standard club track fare.
Maybe just imagine a room full of screaming British ad executives trying to dance while being 4 sheets to the wind while they're playing. (or, well, in my case, just recall last night, and insert this music.)
I fully expected these to be unlistenable shite, and, they're standard club track fare.
Maybe just imagine a room full of screaming British ad executives trying to dance while being 4 sheets to the wind while they're playing. (or, well, in my case, just recall last night, and insert this music.)
"I remember seeing this movie in theaters when I was a pup. During the climactic scene they dropped giant rubber snakes on the audience. Why don't they make movies like that any more?"
"Higher standards?"
"Higher standards?"
they're rather uneventless and bland... which is...when packing a whole demo in 30 sec, rather.. uhm.. crap!
Gargaj: I've seen that before. Where is it from?
original track #5 is ABSOLUTELY ace. the other are tough as well, but horrible melodies! all the beats and bass are really tight, and i rarely see such proper minimal techno/electro released as demo soundtracks. it sounds though like dj hell kinda bowed down to demoscene customs with those cheesy melody snippets. :P
all the beats and bass are really tight
WTF? I can understand that you liked track 5 (because it's the only one that shows some imagination), but "tight"? Nope. All of the tracks sound like a few samples whacked together with no effort put into it whatsoever. So-called proper minimal techno/electro is much about getting those beats just about right, and this is what's completely missing in all of DJ Hell's tracks, even if his discography shows that he's actually able to deliver if he wants to.
Additionally there's the problem that minimal music (much like other non-mainstream electronica) needs _time_ to unfold its effect on the viewer, so whoever thought it was a good idea to use this kind of music in 30sec clips should honestly be shot.