any1 can draw me a logo?
category: general [glöplog]
Hello all... I had to register again here as apparently there's no way to retrieve a lost password.. anyway, I am Chris from defunct Zero Defects. I'm looking for someone willing to draw me a logo for a project of mine. I have the logo in 1 color.. I just need it to be pimped scene style. Anyone? my mail chr.nuv<[at]>
you could have email staff asking for your lost password, as mentioned on the faq btw.
Hello chriz74, I will do it. Please add me to MSN Messenger to chat about it -
N0 pr0blem m8! I hav d0ne u a logo + I h0pe u will use it in ur killa new dem0!!!

thanks for you incredible effort in drawing this logo. anyway there's not going to be a new ZD demo soon.
Wow. That logo one is a really amazing thing!! Can you make me a logo too?
the 1 color is RED and i can have it too?
the 1 color is RED and i can have it too?
do you want original old Zero Defects logos from amiga ?
I have loads of sourcecode from your group, if they are not iff at least I have the raw formats of includes.
let me know
do you want original old Zero Defects logos from amiga ?
I have loads of sourcecode from your group, if they are not iff at least I have the raw formats of includes.
let me know
HI evil. No, I am not looking for old original ZD logos.. this log is for a completely new project. Can you send me the source codes anyaways?

Shane you suck, my logo is better!

chriz74: it was a pleasure to help but don't forget to credit me when using it in your prod!

chriz74: it was a pleasure to help but don't forget to credit me when using it in your prod!
w0w! it's animatated, and gots fire t00!! w00t! w0rld d0m1nato!!11
keops: can it get an gayier?
omg keops, you were faster than me :(

(pimped scene oldskool-style)
oh dear.

no copy
i c, so u can use fantastic. or so.
chriz74 right on asap
which is when I can transfer data from amiga
that'll be soon (I'll email you)
which is when I can transfer data from amiga
that'll be soon (I'll email you)