happy 2009
category: general [glöplog]
to all you demoscene fuckers. thanks.
and yeah i got a laptop on my lap here :)
pew pew!
Yeah 2009 started off with a bang! Lee Towers on TV!
*walk on*
*walk on*
Lee what on what?
Happy new year to you all. Thank you for all the past years with you. Spam of love!
I sang along aloud!
I sang along aloud!
oh, and of course HNY =D
wat is een nieuwjaar zonder LEEN HUIZER man niels :)
04:13 got home like 15 mins ago, fuceked outta my face. <3 to all, hope you have a good 2009!
2009 - das jahr des stroboglows
happy new year
happy new year
happy new year to all you demoscene 'fellas' - not even only for those who are market as good-nice person :-)
2009 is a number
Happy 11111011001!!!

happy .. .
happy joy joy
Wicked pics.
Happy New Year!
rainmaker those did turn out quite nice in the end.
2009 the french demoscene comeback :) LOL