Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]


Doctor Who?

Don't frighten me, Media Sentry...

Andrew Berger, for Comcare, said people needed to eat, sleep and attend to their personal hygiene but "you don't need to have sex".
Even tho it's a bloke's name, Andrew is clearly NOT a man!

Even tho it's a bloke's name, Andrew is clearly NOT a man!

Too drunk to fuck...
Hey zerkman, according to your statistics there were 2 Bon Scotts, dying at the Same Age... Strange.
Maybe Bon Scott was schizophrenic... :p Okay I admit, this was a poor one... :D
On another topic, these are awesome...

What do you think of these, Ringo ? :)
On another topic, these are awesome...

What do you think of these, Ringo ? :)
cool Korg, I like the Where's Wally 1 - it's been a while since I've done one.

@Korg: Masterpieces!
Optimus: the Amiga version is much better :)
@optimus: what game is it?

I second that ; what's this game ? :p