Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

^ Oh-Fuck-ishima!

You can't maximize Minesweeper. Doh!
It is a great game though. So many, many hours spent playing it. It's like meditation. The rewritten one, however, that comes with Windows 7 is utterly unplayable. So much so that I had to write my own in JavaScript.
My apologies if I posted that here before. I know I posted about it somewhere when I made it, but I'm uncertain where.
Just to be sure I'm random; here's another image:

It is a great game though. So many, many hours spent playing it. It's like meditation. The rewritten one, however, that comes with Windows 7 is utterly unplayable. So much so that I had to write my own in JavaScript.
My apologies if I posted that here before. I know I posted about it somewhere when I made it, but I'm uncertain where.
Just to be sure I'm random; here's another image:

Ahhh,. the new console era, where the monster grabs you and you have to press the square, the cross, the triangle. And you can go for a coffee and come back and press. Modern times interactive movies. Linear FPS, action games. Cinematic but no content. Where is the fun? Where is the exploration? That guy is pissing..

When you see it...

I don't see it.

@Korguiq: I see it - peek-aboo...

I just thought...
.Really random thread that hang my GPU...
<!DOCTYPE html><script>alert('I could actually surprise you')
.Really random thread that hang my GPU...
I wouldn't have seen it without pintcat's "help". We really need [nsfw][/nsfw] tags.
