Kabul 'Green Zone', AFG Demoscene Meeting
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Will happen on Fri, 21-Oct-2011, if anybody else than me is coming...
what the FUCK are you doing there.
Organizing THE demoscene event of the year...
pics or it didn't happen (once it happend that is) :)
Thumb up. But what is 'AFG'?
Afghanistan, obviously.
it is ;)
Ah, shame i cant be there...
I guess the bass is gonna be really awesome reverberating between the hindukush mountains :)
take care of demoscene fanatics though (probably shouting "AMIIGAAAA-U-Akbar" before setting or blowing up their equipment)
I guess the bass is gonna be really awesome reverberating between the hindukush mountains :)
take care of demoscene fanatics though (probably shouting "AMIIGAAAA-U-Akbar" before setting or blowing up their equipment)
Ah, obvious :)
yes. a yihad between atari and amiga fundamentalists!!!
To get prepared for that meeting read: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=57808
(probably shouting "AMIIGAAAA-U-Akbar" before setting or blowing up their equipment)
Muhahaha... :)
if you can post pictures after do. It is kickass that you are doing this.
I hope it will be an awesome peaceful moment of cross-national bonding over geekery.
Because that's one of the things that makes the scene so powerful to me (getting all serious).
At the presentations on the demoscene a visitor from abroad did here last week, people were standing as still as statues when the demos were playing and just after, and just after and before you could hear a pin drop. I even heard someone gasp.
Astonishment has no language.
I hope it will be an awesome peaceful moment of cross-national bonding over geekery.
Because that's one of the things that makes the scene so powerful to me (getting all serious).
At the presentations on the demoscene a visitor from abroad did here last week, people were standing as still as statues when the demos were playing and just after, and just after and before you could hear a pin drop. I even heard someone gasp.
Astonishment has no language.
If I was still in, and deployed, I'd have been there with you, mate. Good luck!
Allied forces demogroups: 'organizers' are the colonels, 'swappers' are the guys informally exchanging different nations' equipment, 'trackers' are Special Forces scouts, graphicians are propagandists and coders get to stay at home writing missile guidance software... ;)
Allied forces demogroups: 'organizers' are the colonels, 'swappers' are the guys informally exchanging different nations' equipment, 'trackers' are Special Forces scouts, graphicians are propagandists and coders get to stay at home writing missile guidance software... ;)
Is there any livestream from the AFG demoscene headquater? :)
Only from UAV cameras ;)
Due to some unforseen circumstances the meeting will be postponed to Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011...
Due to some unforseen circumstances
Death of a dictator and change of reigime will do that to you.
Good luck, have fun & I hope no-one gets hit by bullets falling from the sky.
So, it took place... ( with me as the only visitor - what a wonder... :) )

I love the obligatory censor on military material :D
So, it took place... ( with me as the only visitor - what a wonder... :) )
1337357 meeting evah!!! \o/
hehe... :P
I can do nothing but applaud this initiative :D! Well, if nothing else this event sure has growth potential. You should be able to grow by about 100% if you can just get someone else there ;D. Name any other party with the same potential for growth.
Real party is outside, pOWL!
Kudos for the effort. Be safe.