Nordlicht 2014 - 25th to 27th July
category: parties [glöplog]
Seems like i'll have the VW T4, so there are only 2 seats, one for me as the driver and one for my gf. Sorry :/
If something changes with that, i'll tell you.
Seems like i'll have the VW T4, so there are only 2 seats, one for me as the driver and one for my gf. Sorry :/
If something changes with that, i'll tell you.
The roof rack is always an option. ;)
Only one week to go! \o/
Only one week to go! /o\
what saga said!
Attention road travellers!
There is some heavy redevelopment going on around the party location and the entry road between the two strips of water onto the parking area in front of "Schuppen 2" is completely sealed off, so you'll have to drive past it, through all the madly placed fences and around the whole area to get to the party place further behind. Do not rely on Google Maps here, because their data is terribly outdated and incorrect, the roads have a very different layout by now.
We'll be trying to scribble a map of the area within the next few days and post it here!
There is some heavy redevelopment going on around the party location and the entry road between the two strips of water onto the parking area in front of "Schuppen 2" is completely sealed off, so you'll have to drive past it, through all the madly placed fences and around the whole area to get to the party place further behind. Do not rely on Google Maps here, because their data is terribly outdated and incorrect, the roads have a very different layout by now.
We'll be trying to scribble a map of the area within the next few days and post it here!
On the plus side, the thick white fences are so heavily overused that it is impossible to miss them! ;)
Ok, actually it's just the sat-imagery that is wrong, the drawn map is fine. More info shortly.
Free Tee & Coffee!
Just print out a dozen of "Nordlicht ->" signs and hang them all over the surroundings, we'll find you just fine :)
Nordlicht soon... "quick" intro development taking ages...
Last chance 'tomorrow' to send us your remote compo submissions, to compos[AT]demoparty[DOT]info
Note that this is already the extended deadline, so there will be no further extensions :)
Note that this is already the extended deadline, so there will be no further extensions :)
Prepare for some oldskoooooool Amiga stuff somewehere between synthpop, chiptune and early-90s techno ....just finished the Preparations for the Amiga Set :)
Alright, the spare parts for finally fixing my laptop backlight will most likely not be there before Nordlicht, so once again I am searching for someone who could bring along a spare display for me (VGA or Displayport). is there anyone who can help out? :)
I was going to wait until after the box had been physically picked up, but as it seems to be almost there already (just requiring pickup from customs ... yay customs ... NOT) and the party starts on Friday, I thought I'd drum up a bit more interest for those going while there's still time left.
Some people seemed to have noticed I got a bit in the sponsor footer, and I'm not even going. How's that work? Well, I've got a photo!

There is exactly one of these, in the nice light green acrylic you see there, to be the prize in a compo so secret not even the organizers know what it is about! Assuming it arrives intact due to my stellar packing job or doesn't disappear otherwise, this is to be the award for the "Fun Compo". So how big is it? The design file says it should be about 3" tall, measured vertically and not along the slope, but I think I measured it taller when packing ... I don't remember. It's not huge, but not tiny either. :)
However there's a hitch: the fun compo has been removed from the schedule. (Yet it is still listed on the compos page.) Your task for the week? Convince the organizers it's still worth having, whatever the idea they've already dreampt up happens to be when it is announced during the party. (Ok, so I lied about them not knowing. Surprise! Of course as per required secrecy they wouldn't tell me what it is, though. :P) Alternatively you could try convincing them to just give it to you, but I don't think they'd go for that. ;) (I heard Deathstar had his eyes on it, tough competition! I might have also just made that up, but that's for me to know ...)
There's also an extra triangular side piece with the design engraved on it which is perfectly serviceable except for the fact that it didn't fit in the pyramid due to my stupidity. (A proper piece was recut to take its place, as you could see above.) I haven't the slightest what will become of that. Perhaps some sort of mystery sur-prize?
There's also something else in that box not for the regular party goer I'll post pictures of later, after arrival. So watch out organizers! You could just ask SunSpire but that would run the surprise and anticipation, wouldn't it? (Unless he already showed you. No, it's not that other thing. It's a newer thing.)
(Sorry SunSpire; you told me I could do what I wanted with my photos! :D)
Some people seemed to have noticed I got a bit in the sponsor footer, and I'm not even going. How's that work? Well, I've got a photo!

There is exactly one of these, in the nice light green acrylic you see there, to be the prize in a compo so secret not even the organizers know what it is about! Assuming it arrives intact due to my stellar packing job or doesn't disappear otherwise, this is to be the award for the "Fun Compo". So how big is it? The design file says it should be about 3" tall, measured vertically and not along the slope, but I think I measured it taller when packing ... I don't remember. It's not huge, but not tiny either. :)
However there's a hitch: the fun compo has been removed from the schedule. (Yet it is still listed on the compos page.) Your task for the week? Convince the organizers it's still worth having, whatever the idea they've already dreampt up happens to be when it is announced during the party. (Ok, so I lied about them not knowing. Surprise! Of course as per required secrecy they wouldn't tell me what it is, though. :P) Alternatively you could try convincing them to just give it to you, but I don't think they'd go for that. ;) (I heard Deathstar had his eyes on it, tough competition! I might have also just made that up, but that's for me to know ...)
There's also an extra triangular side piece with the design engraved on it which is perfectly serviceable except for the fact that it didn't fit in the pyramid due to my stupidity. (A proper piece was recut to take its place, as you could see above.) I haven't the slightest what will become of that. Perhaps some sort of mystery sur-prize?
There's also something else in that box not for the regular party goer I'll post pictures of later, after arrival. So watch out organizers! You could just ask SunSpire but that would run the surprise and anticipation, wouldn't it? (Unless he already showed you. No, it's not that other thing. It's a newer thing.)
(Sorry SunSpire; you told me I could do what I wanted with my photos! :D)
A perfect example of talking a lot and saying little :)
(off-topic: AMccBrain, i'd like to talk about crafting these things, could you please mail me at my nick (at) blu-flame (dot) org? That'd be grand)
by xTr1m:
A perfect example of talking a lot and saying little :)

Certainly. I may not get back immediately, difference in timezones (-7; PDT) means I'm just about to head out. However I do check e-mail throughout the day usually get back in under a xTr1m:
(off-topic: AMccBrain, i'd like to talk about crafting these things, could you please mail me at my nick (at) blu-flame (dot) org? That'd be grand)
AMcBain: Fun compos are rarely listed on timetables since they are usually just announced and then the entries are presented during the privegiving or sometime during the compo night.
@AMcBain: Looks awesome!
In this case SunSpire told me it was removed from the schedule. I went overboard with the post and should have left that alone. I was miffed about shipping and antsy to show off the pyramid. It's up to SunSpire what is done with Saga Musix:
AMcBain: Fun compos are rarely listed on timetables since they are usually just announced and then the entries are presented during the privegiving or sometime during the compo night.
The box was sent fast, "3-5 business days" on the 14th, to arrive before the party. It will, barely, but customs means boxes aren't delivered as promised. I understand wanting to inspect items over the nontaxable allowable, but I feel it's wrong to make people pay because they received an unsolicited gift. (There was more than the pyramid.)
Thanks! Enjoy the party. :)by gaspode:
@AMcBain: Looks awesome!