gloom information 2380 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: conveyor of
- last name: worthless thrash music
- portals:
- slengpung: pictures
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Inside by Carillon & Cyberiad [web]
- cdc #2: J by Ephidrena
- cdc #3: we cell by Kewlers [web]
- cdc #4: Media Error by Fairlight [web] & Carillon & Cyberiad [web] & orange
- cdc #5: Realtime Demo Wannabe by Maxon [web]
- cdc #6: Square by Still [web]
bbs topics opened 78 topics
- Siggraph 2019 anyone? (parties)
- Solskogen 2019 — Flat Shade Society (12th to 14th of July) (parties)
- Demoscene meet/hangout at GDC/GTC 2019? (parties)
- Bigger screenshots (general)
- Solskogen 2018 — Bleep, Bloop, Computers! (13th to 15th July) (parties)
- Solskogen 2017 - Electric Forest (14th to 16th July) (parties)
- Solskogen 2016 - 15th to 17th July - Flateby, Norway (parties)
- NVScene 2015 (parties)
- Siggraph 2014 (parties)
- NVScene 2014 (parties)
- Getting more people to vote during demoparties (parties)
- Paul Bragiel tries for the 2014 Winter Olympics (yes, really) (offtopic)
- Solskogen 2013 (parties)
- GDC 2013 - 25th to 29th of March, 2013 (offtopic)
- Unity DirectX11 competition (offtopic)
- Solskogen 2012 - Dawn of the Dead Pixels (parties)
- The demoscene sourcecode thread (code)
- Demopaja sources released (code)
- Wanted: Blizzard 060 accelerator card, RAM and HD-cable/converter for A1200 (PAL) (offtopic)
- The state of the demoscene: 1991 - 2011 (general)
- _ihat eyo u all (residue)
- Make cool demo shock to Brazilian brain (offtopic)
- WebGL superlative overload (code)
- IQ and the rest of SexyVisuals livecode at Google IO (offtopic)
- Solskogen 2011 - The Suntouchables (parties)
- Coder with VST/AU-experience (and some free time) wanted (code)
- Happy Birthday Gargaj! (residue)
- SEE 2010 - Amsterdam - 9th -> 10th November 2010 (offtopic)
- Assembly 2011 (parties)
- Windows 7-safe intros (packerfixed) and demos (DLL-fixable)? (general)
- Solskogen 2010 (parties)
- Demobeer in Amsterdam? (21st to the 23rd of February) (general)
- Commercial/game-engine demos (general)
- London, friday the 9th of October 2009 - anything going on? (general)
- What about something like "CGTalk FXWARS" for sceners? (code)
- (general)
- The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die [album] (general)
- Nine Inch Nails releases 405 GB of unedited, raw HD concert footage - do what you want with it (general)
- Google Native Client (= run x86 native code in a browser) (general)
- YouTube has gone 16:9 (general)
- Xmas demos this year? (residue)
- VJ/visualization software for gig (OSX = love, win32 = "ok") (general)
- DirectX 11 and the PC demoscene (general)
- Yet another reason to get an iPhone (general)
- YouTube adds "Video Annotations" - time for us to add "making of"-notes to our demos? :) (general)
- Any sceners at FMX/08? (general)
- Demoscene-article in Spiegel Online (general)
- NVision 08 (general)
- Heatbeat = demoscene heatbeat? (general)
- If you choose your favourite prods of 2007, a glowing kitten gets its wings! (general)
account created on the 2001-10-14 19:36:37