psenough information 10349 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Filipe
- last name: Cruz
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Hyperventilation by Byterapers [web]
- cdc #2: deesbab by orange
- cdc #3: Megablast by orange
- cdc #4: a deepness in the sky by mfx [web]
- cdc #5: fake elektronik lightshow by Ephidrena
- cdc #6: migracija by kosmoplovci [web]
- cdc #7: zebra by Pas Maters [web]
- cdc #8: i'am the seed by CyberPunks Unity [web] & Inward [web]
parties added 38 glöps
- Warszawskie Copy Party
- Sessions
- Lovebyte Turbo
- LGRU Networked Graphics
- The Flame Party Helsinki
- Simple
- scene strike one
- democompo
- Jagcode II contest
- Center Party
- GREP White
- #daskmig xmas compo
- The Happening
- Royal Amiga Group Conference
- Electronic Arts Syndrome
- Horde
- 32k compo
- Axis of Evil
- nullarbor
- BGparty
- Mulleparty
- Format
- Beatbox
- Submission
- PDRoms Coding Competition
- JouluPorno
- The Porno
- Rebels Meeting
- Rushed Metal June
- Cache Autumn
- Molvania Zscene Gathering
- PixelShow
- Demolition
- Silicon Meeting
- FSK compo
- #trax 10years reunion
account created on the 2000-09-09 22:44:56