
fab by Positivity [web]

 ____      __
|  __'____|  |__  florian & alain's blender
|  _|  _  |  _  | 2009 januar-november
'_' '___._'_____'

usage: fab function function_parameters

!!! s'arranger pour que les palettes soient du texte plut⌠t

!!! Nouveau: between
!!! Donc ne pas mettre de between dans landscape, il sera rajoutΘ aprΦs

!!! Le emboss dans mk_Txtr2.asm=MkTxtr2G est
!!!   ldrB      r14,[r3],#1             ; r14=pixie up.
!!!   ldrB      r6,[r4],#1              ; r6=pixie down.
!!!   and       r14,r14,#&3f
!!!   and       r6,r6,#&1f
!!!   sub       r6,r6,r14,lsr #1        ; r6=delta.
!!!   addS      r6,r6,#middle           ; Add the middle constant.

list of functions
bmp2rgb in.bmp red.g green.g blue.g     // in.bmp peut Ωtre 1bpp, 4bpp, 8bpp ou 24bpp
rgb2bmp red.g green.g blue.g out.bmp    // si le nb total de couleurs est <256 crΘer une image 8bpp ou moins
rgb2grey red.g green.g blue.g grey.g    // grey:=(red+green+blue)/3

negative in.g out.g     // BEWARE, pixel:=65535-pixel, maybe rsbI 255 is what you want

rotate90 in.g out.g     // anticlockwise
rotate180 in.g out.g
rotate270 in.g out.g
hmirror in.g out.g      // image upside down
vmirror in.g out.g
add in1.g in2.g out.g   // arithmetical & logical operators between two images
sub in1.g in2.g out.g
mul in1.g in2.g out.g
div in1.g in2.g out.g   // in1.g divided by in2.g*/
and in1.g in2.g out.g
or in1.g in2.g out.g
xor in1.g in2.g out.g
addI value in.g out.g   // arithmetical & logical operators between image and value
subI in.g value out.g
rsbI value in.g out.g   // rsb=reverse substract
mulI factor in.g out.g
divI in.g divisor out.g
andI value in.g out.g
orI value in.g out.g
xorI value in.g out.g

addborders left right bottom top color in.g out.g
removeborders left right bottom top in.g out.g

disc x y r color in.g out.g                   // well
rectangle top bottom left right color in.g out.g
rectangle2 top left length height color in.g out.g

// if you set ClearColor to 0, then you'll have circles inside circles
fillwithOs OutRMin OutRMax InRMmin InRMmax Border ClearColor CircleColor in.g out.g
edge size emptycol edgecol in.g out.g         // creates an edge around non empty pixels
explode nbpoints in.g out.g                   // moves randomly nbpoints points

pal2rgb in.pal in.g red.g green.g blue.g      // assign pixels to a color palette
setmincol mincol in.g out.g                   // if col<colmin then col=colmin
setmaxcol maxcol in.g out.g                   // if col>colmax then col=colmax
between colmin colmax in.g out.g              // if col<colmin then col=colmin, etc
range colmin colmax in.g out.g                // = equalise?
subsample xratio yratio in.g out.g

floyd nb_colors in.g out.g (reduce colors using Floyd-Steinberg algorithm)
floyd palette.pal red.g green.g blue.g out.g // <65536 couleurs
      x 7
    3 5 1
    * There are many ways to find the nearest palette color with varying levels of efficiency
      and quality. A trivial algorithm is to search the color with minimum straight line
      distance in the color cube from the given color.
    * We can alternate between left-to-right and right-to-left (also reflect the diffusion
      matrix), this avoids some kind of artifacts.

mknoise colormin colormax width height out.g  // creates an image filled with noise
mkstrippedtube diameter nbsteps nbstripes col0 col1 out.g

grey2bitplanes nbbitplanes in.g out.xxx       // bitplanes in ST mixed format
??? Faire aussi rgb2bitplanes ???

!!!!landscape nbiterations 0 0 in.g out.g
!!!! factor et absorption ne sont pas implΘmentΘs
landscape nbiterations fractalfactor*100 absorption*100 in.g out.g

// Pour le filtre si la valeur sort de [0;255] on la met α 0 ou 255
                                               //                     (a b c)     
filter a b c d e f g h i n offset in.g out.g   // convolution filter  (d e f) :n + offset 
                                               //                     (g h i)     

rem smooth1:  fab filter 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 5 0  in.g out.g
rem smooth2:  fab filter 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 16 0 in.g out.g
rem unsmooth: fab filter -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 in.g out.g
rem relief1:  fab filter -2 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 2 1 128 in.g out.g
rem relief2:  fab filter -1 1 -1 1 0 1 -1 1 -1 1 128 in.g out.g
rem relief3:  fab filter 0 -1 0 -1 2 0 0 0 0 1 128 in.g out.g
rem strange1:  fab filter 1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 3 0 in.g out.g
rem strange2:  fab filter 0 1 0 1 -1 1 0 1 0 3 0 in.g out.g
rem sharpness:  fab filter 0 -n 0 -n 4n+1 -n 0 -n 0 1 0 in.g out.g
rem sharpness2: fab filter -n -n -n -n 8n+1 -n -n -n -n 1 0 in.g out.g
rem edge=laplace: fab filter -1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 in.g out.g
rem laplace2: fab filter 0 -1 0 -1 4 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 in.g out.g
rem edge2: fab filter -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 in.g out.g
rem edge3: fab filter -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 in.g out.g
rem emboss: fab filter 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 1 0 in.g out.g
rem emboss2: fab filter 2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 in.g out.g
rem repoussage: fab filter -2 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 in.g out.g


mask in1.g in2.g out.g
modulo in1.g in2.g out.g
moduloI in.g divisor out.g
resize [w=... | h=... | x...] in.g out.g
resample [w=... | h=... | x...] in.g out.g (bilinear/biquadratic/bicubic... resampling)
stretch (0;126;127 deviendra 0;~253;255)
tile (peut Ωtre ΘmulΘ avec addborders+or)
nearest nb_colors in.g out.g (reduce colors using nearest neighbour)
mkpalette nbcolors red.g green.g blue.g out.pal

.... ...# ...# .#.# .#.# .#.# .#.# .#.# .#.# .### .### #### #### #### #### #### ####
.... .... .... .... .... ..#. ..#. #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#. #.## #.## #### ####
.... .... .#.. .#.. .#.# .#.# .#.# .#.# .#.# .#.# ##.# ##.# #### #### #### #### ####
.... .... .... .... .... .... #... #... #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#. ###. ###. ####

>>> fonctions avec wrap <<<
fractal_landscape (ou bien fractal expansion) (+wrap)
ntsc (fred)

* Pour les valeurs les demander en hexa $01 ou &01... avec un char qui ne
  peut pas Ωtre dans un nom de fichier?
  On peut Θviter d'avoir recours α une valeur en crΘant (random) une image .g
  avec la dite valeur, mais c'est pas trΦs propre...
* Pour certaines fonctions (and, or, add...) lorsqu'une des images est plus grande
  que l'autre, faire l'opΘration sur la partie commune (de taille min(w0;w1)*min(h0;h1)
  et qui part du bottom left).
* utiliser une clΘ usb en guise de ramdisk?
* on pourrait tout faire avec des .g en 16 bits (ainsi rgb2grey serait emulΘ)
* faire les fonctions en wrap par dΘfaut. Si l'utilisateur n'en veut pas il utilisera un