
Dome by Flava

 Flava demo contribution at Hype'97


 code/music/gfx by Flasher
 recommended system P90 pci gus

 uses: pmodew extender
       midas sound system
       thanx to the authors

 note: it will throw you out if you start it under win95, since win95 disturbs
       the timing in dos-shells.

 argh: sorry for the nonexistent speed-correction. pffft.
       it's a bit short too, we were originally planning to release a much
       bigger demo, but things screwed up as always... 

 reach us by contacting Evade: rob@gim.net

 hi and ho to

 *** HYPE'97 VISITORS!!! ***

 - all Flava members!!!
 - Yogga				
 - Kelvin
 - Euxinus / Karva
 - Bca / Karva
 - Creon / Paranormal
 - #coders				(split split split split split split)