
Small brainless gag by Paranoia [web]

	               Paranoia (from the Lunatic Asylum) 
			  springs into action with

I was busy coding Breakdance when all the action on the dhs bulletin-
board about the famous graphician mOd of tSCc buying a PC for - as he
says - fast webbrowsing and watching PC demos popped into my mind.
People (including myself) hadn't been very nice to mOd and of course
that is natural. Who the heck wants to know WHAT PC mOd bought and 
what he intends to do with it.

The funny part is that mOd says that PC demos inspire him to new 
heights to what is to archieve on Atari. I personally am an old-school
demo fanatic and don't like the "new art" style of most PC demos very
much. Without discrediting the authors, most of them look like MTV
adverts to me ... Their style and design may be very good, but i 
personally miss the effort of the programmer to do something really 
new a bit ... Anyhow, the very last thing on earth that insprires me 
is that !"▌$%+*# PC. Although i admit to have one i rarely use, and
especially not to watch demos.

So i came to the result that the only thing a PC inspires me to do is 
... Well, see for yourself.

I admit that this is what most people call a "fake demo".
It has all been done in LESS than 1 hour using Degas Elite and STOS. 
It uses no extensions and should run on any ST, STE and Falcon 
providing it has been started in an ST compatible resolution.
Since it has been done in a hurry, the graphics are rather poor, the
animation is jerky and last but not least it may even not be very
smooth moving on the ST either.

I don't care though, regard this to be either a response to mOd's
reasons for buying a PC or as the very first fake 96ktro of Paranoia.

However, it is going to be our last fake production.
Expect Breakdance - the ultimate scene game - soon, i really hope to
release it at the Dreamhack party (although i am not going to attend).
Expect Falcon- and bugfixed STEtris v0.95 as the final release.
Expect some more cute little stuff like the Cartoon Network games on
the ST. Expect a 24h game at the end of this year.

Greetings :
I am not going to put an endless list here for this small production.
I simply greet everybody in IRC #atariscne and everybody still doing 
something on Atari.

And of course, a friendly Hi! to mOd who is having a hard time 
currently (setting up his PC and struggling with the people on the dhs 
bulletin board) - Just don't take this serious, it isn't.
People may have reacted very harsh, but this was rather for your 
announcement on the dhs board than about you or your future plans.
Have fun doing lots of projects on Atari, Falcon or whatever and our 
deal still holds : Someday, i will compete with you in a 16 colour 
graphics competition. ;-) 

Okay, let's quote Tempest 2000 once again after collecting an Extra :

				OUTA' HERE !!
			The Paranoid signing off ...
                Transmission terminated ... Press a key to resume.