WelcomeToAtmos by Geffers [web]
Name: Welcome to the Oric Atmos Date: 1984 Machine: Oric ATMOS Author: Geoff Phillips (Geffers) Music: Public domain classical stuff arranged by J. Hibbins Graphics: Carolyn Groeneveld (Bird Animation) Other stuff: Paul Kaufman and F. Woodcock This demo should be run on an Oric, or using an Oric Emulator (I advice you to use Euphoric made by Fabrice Frances). The demo was made by Geffers for Tansoft Ltd, as a demonstration tape rolling in the shops in order to help selling the machine. Geffers is also the one that made the demo tape for the Oric 1, and is responsible of some of the greatest oric games, as well as some nice books and other small demoes.
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