
Pure Spirit by Spirit New Style


                                               ▓        █  ░
           ░▒▓▄ ░  █ ░▒▓▄ ▄░▒▓▄     ▄█▓▒░ ░▒▓▄    ░▒▓▄     ▒
           ▒  █ ▒  █ ▒  ▓ ▒   ▓     ▓     ▒  ▓ ▓  ▒  █  █  ▓
           ▓██▀ ▓  ▓ ▒░▒▀ ▓▓▒░▀     ▀▒▓█▄ ▓▒░▀ ▒  ▓██▀  ▓  ▓▒░
           ▒    █  ▒ ▒ ▀▓ █             ▓ ▓    ░  ▒  █  ▒  █
           ░    ▀▓▒░ ░  █ ▀▓▒░       ░▒▓▀ █    ▒  ░  █  ░  █


     a 4Kb intro by Hugo Habets a.k.a. The Counsellor/Spirit New Style
           "I'm a child of light, a Pure Spirit!" (Ace Ventura)

     (some characters in this textfile may display differently under a
      non-MSDOS environment like Windows. Win'95 might crash on this text)

                         ■▐ Introduction ▌■

     "Pure Spirit" is a 4Kb intro. This means the size of the intro
     must be 4096 bytes or less, and the intro must be silent.

     To prevent us from getting lots of question-e-mails,
     this textfile holds about anything you might want to know about
     this intro.                                  Big Is Beautifull!

     To escape the happiness of the Pure Spirit, relocate the ESC
     key to a sligtly lower position.

     To speed up your experience, hold the Fast Forward key (right).
     This will cause the intro to run at 4 times the speed, just like
     a fast-forward video tape.                      Cool option huh?

     If you're getting bad vibes from the torus texture, press the largest
     key on your collection to select any of the 8 different textures!

     In other words.. ESC   = Exit
                      RIGHT = Fast Forward (the -> key)
                      SPACE = Change 3D Object Texture

     This intro was released at Assembly '96, the annual computer art
     competition/party held in Helsinki, Finland.

                         ■▐ Requirements ▌■

         Minimum: 386 CPU, VGA, about 320Kb of free memory, MS-DOS, Monitor
     Recommended: Pentium CPU, PCI VGA, MS-DOS, Monitor, and a GUS playing
                  your favourite tune.
 Not Recommended: Windows 3.11 (frameskipping will bug!)
                  Windows '95 (not tested, but anything crashes Win'95)
                  OS 2 Warp (not tested.. doesn't support .COM files?)
                  Some computer with PC emulation (might work :)
                  A system that doesn't support Self Modifying Code.

                          ■▐ Disclaimer ▌■

     Running "Pure Spirit" is at your own risk. I can not be held
     responsable in any way for damages, loss of data or failures
     caused by this intro.

                          ■▐ Copyrights ▌■

       "Pure Spirit" is not freeware.
       You may copy it under the following conditions:
        ■ No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or
          any combination of products or services including this
          product without my authorization and official written license.
        ■ Commercial use, including industrial manufacturing on any data
          storage media and their distribution without my written
          permission is strictly prohibited.
        ■ The program or this text file may not be altered or modified
          without my written permission.
        ■ The intro and this text must always be in the same directory
          or packed file. Spreading the intro or this text seperatly is
          strictly prohibited without my written permission.
        ■ These rules go for any shape of this intro, including packed
          files, video tape, screen grabs, ftp or any other medium.
        ■ Payment may or may not be asked for giving permission.

       You may public show this intro under the following conditions:
        ■ No payment of any kind may be charged for the viewing of this
          intro without my written permission.
          Showing this intro at demo-parties however, is allowed.
        ■ Broadcasting is only allowed with my written permission.
        ■ I hold the right to change those rules on seperate occasions.
        ■ Payment may or may not be asked for giving permission.

                   ■▐ What's really in those 4Kb? ▌■

     When the intro is executed, first all kinds of precalculations are
     beeing done. Sine Tables, Textures etc.  Then it starts..
     1. A Bump Mapped Title screen (X- and Y Bump)
     2. An 3D Torus-like object with Gouraud Shading and Shadow
        The object has 256 vertices and 512 faces
     3. A closer look at the object
     4. The 3D object morphes into a star (and back) while the background
        turns into a rotating zoomer, all with a new object palette
     5. The Bump Mapped screen again (and again a new palette)
     6. 3D Objects float around in the Bump Mapped screen
     7. Inside the Object
     8. 4-layer sine tunnel with Anti Alias (Pentium strongly recommended!)
     9. A rotating zoomer to end the intro

     For this, techniques like 3D Rotation/Projection, RadixSort, 3D Object
     Generation with Morphing, 3D Normal/Color Calculation, Backface Culling,
     FrameSkipping, Object Shadow, Hight Blurring, Taylor Sine Generation
     and many more were used.
     The 4-layer sine tunnel might seem slow, but please consider it was
     written with a fast Pentium in mind, the effect is extreemly
     detailed and the anti-aliassing is size optimized (not speed).

     For the 3D part, the object holds 512 faces and the shadow holds
     another 512 faces = 1024 faces per frame. The polygon filler is
     a mix between size and speed optimisation.

     So, as you might imagine, this really was hard to write with the
     4096 bytes limit. Lots of tricks were used to keep the code small.
     To give an indication of how small 4096 bytes is, this textfile
     is (exactly :) 3 times that size.

     The whole intro was of course 100% written in Assembler. For those
     who don't know ;), this means the sourcecode (a textfile with the
     instuctions written in human readable text) holds every instruction
     the computer executes (unlike in a higher language, like Pascal or C,
     where the source holds a reduced discription of what's really executed).
     The size of the sourcecode is almost 48Kb.

     The intro was made using my own postprocessor (gosh, this was hard
     to write :) because for some reason the postprocessor from Stone/Dust
     didn't work (reduced size to 12Kb while mine reduced size to 5Kb).

     But I must send big thanks to Stone/Dust for releasing the Taylor
     sine/cosine generation sourcecode from the Stoned 4Kb intro.
     I understand the Taylor algorithm myself of course, but his source
     was very good I think. It saved me the trouble of writing it myself. ;)

     Also thanks must fly to the author of COMPACK (W. Collis??), it
     seemed to be the best Public Domain .COM packer I could find.

     And big thanks to Tuukka Paavola (Bloody/Spirit New Style) for
     helping me to release this intro.

                       ■▐ Spirit New Style? ▌■

     A demo group is a collection of people who share the need to create
     nice pieces of computer art together. Nicknames are used because
     of the demoscene's history, this is no sign of illegal actions.

     Spirit was a demogroup formed by The Counsellor with a lot
     of coders, but almost no graphicians and only a few musicians.

     Spirit was 5th at the Assembly '94 64Kb intro compo, with
     an intro called "Psychic Flight."  This intro was ok for that
     time, but it isn't up to the standards of 1996 intros.
     After having some bad experiences with demo competitions (like
     the Party 4), Spirit slowly began to fell apart.

     When the problems grew, Spirit lost it's core. That core formed
     a new group called "Spirit New Style."  The new group was for
     hard working members only.
     Only a few weeks after this new group was formed, the first success
     came in a 2nd place in the X'96 demo compo.

     The current Spirit New Style group members are:

      The Counsellor    ░      Hugo Habets       █   The Netherlands
      Magic Boy         ▒      Xander Koninkx    ▓   The Netherlands
      Bloody            ▓      Tuukka Paavola    ▒   Finland
      Manar             █      Mathijs de Jonge  ░   The Netherlands

     More graphicians and musicians are welcome. Please note that we
     only accept new members who are extreemly active and who also
     are willing to work on commercial game projects (contacting
     information below).

         ■▐ What else did Spirit New Style release at Asm'96? ▌■

 ■1■  A 64Kb intro called "Water."
      Code: Magic Boy & The Counsellor      Music: Bloody
      "Pure Spirit" was finished a few weeks before "Water" was,
      this 64Kb intro uses pieces of the "Pure Spirit" code.
      I also wrote the music system for the compo version of "Water"
      after writing Pure Spirit.

 ■2■  A few weeks before Asm'96, we released an invitation demo for the
      Bizarre '96 party (VESA 640x480x256).
              Code: Magic Boy             Music: The Rew
          Graphics: 1Voud / Magic Boy     Text: Dr. Badvibes
         3D engine: The Counsellor

      Visit our homepage for info about where to download the products
      and more. The URL is at the bottom of this text.

                       Check it Out!

             ■▐ Greetings (just wouldn't fit in 4Kb :) ▌■
                           (in random order)

  ■ Groups:  Logic Design, Success, Nooon, Halcyon, Complex, Psychic Link,
             Acme, Fascination, Jeskola, Legend Design, Realtech, Hornet,
             Rage PC, Noice, Void, Maroon, Surellix, Nostalgia, Dust,
             Melon, Scoopex, Contrast, Xtacy, Orange, Razor 1911, Triton,
             Bizarre Organizers, Assembly Organizers and the rest..
  ■ Persons: Manar, The Rew, Rico, Trax, El Greco, Aap, Freshman, Balance,
             Rogue, Simm, Mitch, Harlequin, Trixter, Dr. Badvibes, Vic,
             Laserdance, 1Voud, Danny, Abyss .. hmm.. names..
             Tuukka, Ron, Rob, Geertje, Dries, Joris, Floris, Ruudjuuh,
             Rudy, Michel, Martijn, Marnix, Joop, alle Jannen, Maurits,
             John, Jeroen "sta ik er echt in" den Haan :), Barry, Rene,
             Arjen, Richard, Teun, Mark, every Sander Konings I know.. (hehe)
             and everybody else.. of course.. would be rude not to..

                  ■▐ What are the future plans? ▌■

     We're going to create games, demos, intros, all that..
     The agreement that lives in Spirit New Style is that Manar,
     Bloody and me will concentrate on games, while Magic Boy will
     concentrate on demos.

     Newsflash: Magic Boy will move to my study address in Heerlen
     because of a change in his study. The both of us living in
     the same house.. what will this do to Spirit New Style? :)

     Companies interested in our games can e-mail to the address listed
     below. We do have experience in creating games and we are very
     interested in continueing this work.

   Thanx for watching / downloading / uploading / voting for / debugging /
   ftp-ing / attaching / dcc-ing / uuencoding / laughing at / stopping /
   hacking / deleting / trusting / spreading / losing / hating / liking ..

               ·∙° The "Pure Spirit" 4096 bytes intro °∙·


              The Counsellor / Spirit New Style

                    e-mail: hugo.habets@tip.nl (no files, text only please)
             Spirit NS WWW: http://www.tip.nl/users/hugo.habets
    Spirit NS Headquarters: Spirit New Style
                            Drieschstraat 2
                            6412 XX  Heerlen
                            The Netherlands
                            (will be valid until 1998!!)

   ■▐ Who has got the most Pure Spirit?
    ■▐ Government or Youth?
     ■▐ So who's in charge?