
Impact by Moons

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       Bd!/La/___\ = m o o n s - when the black night scarred you =

           presents at the xenium'99 party another 64k production

                               " i m p a c t "


                     code & shity obj ..... raider
                      3D scenes & gfx ..... dzordan
                                music ..... x-ball/decree


           a12oo, min. o2o [?] cpu but o4o is strongly recomended
             fpu, fast mem, xpkmaster.library, player61.library

          run this with oxy-patcher enabled for much faster precalc

                -^\ dedicated to kempy/veezya^k0re^twilight /^-

     greets to our friends in:

     absurd ╖ anadune ╖ amnesty ╖ decree ╖ mystic ╖ phase truce ╖ veezya