
mystic loader by Energy Lash

                  Modification to M.D. Mackey's Flame.Pas By :
                            STORM of Energy Lash

I went and downloaded that FLAMES.ZIP and thought it was really a cool
concept. And, well, this popped out about 3 days later.
After thinking a drinking a lot of coke, and overdosing on Metallica,
(Listening to Creeping Death right now), I have created a way to to the same
thing as his, but without the 2x2 pixels at a relatively okay speed and with
a delay feature <ooooooooo>.
  To tell you the truth, this wasn't much fun programming. I had countless
problems due to that fact I haven't programmed in assembler for a while
and also found that OOP and ASM don't get along when it comes to accessing
variables within the object itself.

Anyways, downto the nitty gritty...!

If you haven't seen M.D. Mackey's FLAMES.PAS and have no clue how it works,
I suggest you look at that first, otherwise, you will be lost.

I did not provide full source like our friend M.D., but i will give you the
outline of it all.


You need 4 things...

Image = RECORD
  ImageP  : POINTER;
  X       : WORD;
  Y       : WORD;

  ImgSize : WORD;

  Just the image loaded into the pointer. Simple enough eh?

[X and Y]
  The Images X and Y size. Simple too.

  X * Y
  It's the X times the Y-2. Reasoning? I'll get to that later!

  Your Image pointer must not be word aligned. You can grab any image or
whatever pixel by pixel into the pointer. You then need to set how may X
pixels wide your image is, and how many Y pixels it is too. Then calculate
the ImgSize by multiplying X*Y. Oooh. Bet thats hard.

  OKAY, you will need to write a procedure that will add a line of random
pixels to the bottom two lines of your image (2 lines looks best I think).
These are what i call the "SEED" of it all.

  You will also need to write a procedure that displays that image to the
screen and cuts off the bottom two lines. This will keep the "SEED" from
being displayed. It looks REALLY nast if it is displayed, trust me.

  You will then pass your IMAGE to the procedure HandleEffect, the Delay,
and how big the image is in pixels.

  ImgSize is nothing more than a precalculated value so i don't have to
use a MUL inside of my inline assembly. Everyone knows that a suicide right

Here is the procedure that does it all....yippie.

Procedure HandleEffect(I : IMAGE; Del : BYTE; ISize : WORD);
  Temp : BYTE;
    mov   cx,[ISize]           {Move into CX the size of the image -2 Y's}
    mov   bx,[I.X]             {Move into Bx the image X size cause faster}
    les   di,[I.ImageP]        {Load the image pointer into Extra Segment}
    mov   si,di                {Nullifi Si. Could use xor, but may have trubl}
    add   di,bx                {Give ourselves a little room to play with}
    mov   ah,[Del]             {Setup our counter delay}
    mov   [Temp],ah
    xor   ah,ah
    mov   dl,[es:di-1]         {Get pixel to the left of origin}
    mov   al,[es:di]           {Get pixel at Origin}
    add   dx,ax
    mov   al,[es:di+1]         {Get pixel to right of origin}
    add   dx,ax
    mov   al,[es:di+bx]        {Get pixel RIGHT BELOW origin!}
    add   dx,ax
    shr   dx,2                 {As in FLAMES, average them all out by 4}
    jz    @@3                  {If the color after the shift is 0, JUMP!}
    dec   [Temp]               {Otherwise, lets dec our counter delay}
    jz    @@2                  {If it's 0, then lets fade some color!}
    jmp   @@3                  {Otherwise, screw it and jump to @@3}
    mov   al,[Del]             {Reset our delay}
    mov   [Temp],al
    dec   dl                   {Subract one from the color to fade nicely.}
    mov   [byte ptr es:si],dl  {Plot pixel at the point RIGHT ABOVE origin}
    inc   di                   {Lets move to the next one}
    inc   si                   {          ditto          }
    dec   cx                   {Hm? We done yet?}
    jnz   @@1                  {If not zero, gotta do the deed again}

I am sure it can use some optimizing, but it is 5:00am and I am optimized out.

Well, enjoy the source and if you do anything really rad with it, send me a
greet in it.
There really isn't anywhere to reach me to tell you the truth. I will be
jumping onto Internet here soon since I hear i'm missing out on all the fun

Anyways, about the MYSTIC Loader....
  What was going be nothing but a full screen flame, has turned into a
full fledged Loader/Intro or whatever you may call it. I started with those
eerie green flames and thought they looked kinda sinister. So I decided to see
What a couple of cauldrons would look like. Tossed em in and thought...
"Hm. What about a couple of little balls..." and threw em in too. Then I
was thinking "Mabey if I added a couple of spheres, they might overlap and
give me a neato effect with the background"........after that was done, I
decided to add a neat image Warping effect.
<Grin> All the routines are 100% assembler, and are just thrown together
with good ol' Pascal 7.0 and I didn't steal ANY of em. <Been accused of that
lately for some reason>. The only thing that could be considered stolen is the
flame idea, and that was not really stolen, just modified like I was asked to
try to do.


Curtis Socha A.K.A -STORM-

Shits and Giggles go out to...
  Future Crew
  Digital Infinity
  Ken Florentino II
  M.D. Mackey for the help.