
Vollbock by Bunch of Craving Kids

      .. .  ._    ..__    ,...     .
    /'_____ / _______ \__/  _____  /__
   / /     \ /       \____ /    /___  \_.
  / /   /  /:__       :   \_   //   \    \.__=- 
 / :___/  /    \_/   / ___/ \  _____/   //'      ░
 \_  /     _/  /    /_ '    /    \    _/
 . '.\________/______/_____/_/.___\.. >. _.-=bock2019=-._

     a proud bunch of craving kids disaster

              for demosplash 2019

comes in two versions: 1920 or 1280 resolution.
two versions mean nearly double the waste of memory, sorry.
but at least the 1920 is 3,72kB, 10Bytes less than 1280.
...anyway, 10Bytes is amazing 80bits...

greets n love to you guys (hope you drank a beer before, outside
the aera)
