
Point5 by Raww Arse [web]

                 ::::   ::::  :::  ::::  :::::    ::::::
                ::  :: ::  :: ::  ::  ::  ::      :::
                ::: :: ::: :: ::: ::: ::  :::     :::::
                :::::  ::: :: ::: ::: ::  :::         ::
                :::    ::: :: ::: ::: ::  ::: ::: ::: ::
                :::     ::::  ::: ::: ::  ::: :::  ::::

                         -- tapeworm  attack --

This is the 512b Intro by icabod of RA, titled "point5 - tapeworm attack"

Presented in the 512b Intro Competition @ Chaos Constructions 2006
             on August 26th and August 27th 2006 in St Petersburg, Russia

This intro is the sequel to "Point"
                          the winner of the Forever7 1k Intro competition

This Intro was made to the tune of:
                   Porcupine Tree - 65daysofstatic - Anathema - Sigur Ros

No music is featured in the Intro, tho' in my head it's playing a section
of "65 doesn't understand you" by 65daysofstatic.

Here's some trivia:                                        No compression
                                                          No ROM routines
                                               Memory >= $8000 is trashed
                                     Stack must be < $8000 before running
                           The best effect happens after about 46 seconds
                      The lack of memory contention on clones is annoying
                    It's called "point5" as it's half the size of "point"
                   The intro will continue until you press [1QA0PEntSpSh]
           I still haven't done the effect I first envisioned for "Point"
                                                                 Tsk, eh?

If you don't use the BASIC loader, then you must:              CLEAR32767
                                                Stack is restored on exit

Thankz to karingal, PK, piters, gasman  ...  for returning me to BASIC ;p

Thankz to Vega for presenting this at the party ...
                                            ... sorry I couldn't be there

Greetz go to the usual suspects.
                                     zx demoscene news : http://raww.org/