
Kill things by Digi Tallis [web]

Righty ho.

That'll be you then.. =]

Here's the source for KillThings. Enjoy. And then try and figure out
what planet I was on when I wrote most of it..
It's a bit sloppy, but hopefully it isn't that bad.

I beg one thing. Please credit me. Thats it. No royalty payments (Although
they would be nice..hehe..)

I suppose I better explain why I never got round to finishing it?
Well, it goes something like this. Get yourself comfy..

KillThings was started when I was still at Uni (final year) in 95,
november 95 I think. Everything was going great. I remember getting
the coding buzz at around 4am one morning in 96 (the night of a total 
lunar eclipse) when I speeded up the 4x4 block drawer by around 500%

Final year finished and it was out into the big bad world.
Lets just say that with the job changes, and location changes that I've had,
the poor old ST was usually more than 80 miles away from me at any one time.
This kind of makes coding hard.. =]

Still, I'm doing the semi-honourable thing by releasing the code.
I really hope you'll try and do something with it, I'd love to keep tinkering
with it, but with my work commitments, I just haven't got the time.
I know it sounds like a cop-out, but it's the truth, I'm flat out.. =[


I suppose this will be the last thing I ever do for the ST.
It was a shame it didn't become REALLY big. I love the ST. I cut my coding
teeth on the ST, and it was such a big part of my life..
I'll miss the little blighter..

I'd much rather code on the ST than those damned infernal Wintel boxes,
but alas, Wintel rules the world.
        (So line up your systems, they'll shoot them all down, cos
        Wintel rules the world...)

Oh well, since I cut my teeth coding demos, I'll finish this with a small
greetings list. Sort of keeps the tradition..

Greets to, in no order whatsoever:

        The Carebears   - you inspired me into start coding.. it's your fault!
        The Lostboys    - see above.. =]

        Mega Four       - Powapixel. No words can say it. Thanks brother..
        Chaos           - Tat, thanks for the pointers. Muchus appreciated..
        MUG UK          - Mike, thanks for being you. =]
        P.H.F.          - Grazey, thanks for the tunes..

        Mookie          - cheers for everything.
        Stosser         - Tony. Thanks for everything.
        Anthony Jacques - Thanks for everything mate.

        The whole ST demo scene
                        - thanks for just being there. Always cheered me up!
                        - if there were a job just coding demos, we'd be fine!
        anyone I haven't listed
                        - I'm sorry if I missed you out!
                        - But thanks for whatever you did.. =]

ok, thats me sniffing back the tears..
c'ya around on another platform maybe. (just think wintel, bleargh)
have fun, and always remember the ST........


Digi Tallis..