duotone by Deus Ex Machina [web] & Threepixels [web]
<insert demo name here> by threepixels and dxm with gueststars from machina supremacy full credits: pictures - flood from noice dezin/3d - trace from threepixels music - robert from machinae supremacy buggy crappy shitty pityful awfull horrible code - stefan from deus ex machina story: was supposed to be made in a week but due to alot of work for a living by stefan and trace this didnt get enough attention, but expect a final :-) greets: somewhere in the demo i think needed config: a machine cabable of hw t&l this demo uses indexed colors for cartoonalike rendering and perhaps not all cards supports this kind of ramping, however most cards do in 32BPP.. contact: flames/pr0nspam/becomeapreastspam - stefan@ukscene.org gaypr0n - trace@threepixels.org cool music - www.machinaesupremacy.com cool party - www.underscore.sh
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