
Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit by Most Ugly Gameboy Sceners

             _________      ________            _______
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     _)     \/     _/     /      _/    ____/___\_________       (
     \_____\_/_____\_____________\_____\      ( M U G S /_______/
    _____________  _____________________\______\___  _____________                        
     |                                                          |
     | Name: Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit (C) Wanadoo        |
     | Released: 20.04.2003                                     |
     | System: Nintendo Gameboy Advance                         |
     | Size: 1 Zip / 64 MBiT                                    |
     | Country: USA                                             |
     | Supplier: Ralf Zacherl feat. Tymian!                     |
     |____________________________________________ _ ___________|
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    ¯\___ _                 RELEASE INFO                  _ ____/¯ 
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     | Yo! Back with a quicky for you.. Euro was multi 5 - this |
     | is just english.. so all collectors: enjoy this one!     |
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     |                       - signing out on a very hot night  |
     |                                        .babushka / mugs  |
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    /                                                            \ 
    ¯\___ _                    CONTACT                    _ ____/¯ 
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     | Web: http://go.to/mups                                   |
     | IRC: closed (Efnet)                                      |
     | email: we dont want spam!                                |
    /                                                            \ 
    ¯\___ _                    GREETZ                     _ ____/¯ 
     /__________ _ _____________________________________________\
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     | Greetings to the small deserving few in this ugly scene: |
     |        - EURASIA - MODE7 - SUXXORS - DOSENPFAND -        |
     |                                                          |
   "mugs - look sally, its purple haze! oh john! thats so amazing!"