
X-MIX 2004: Ion Traxx by Kewlers [web] & mfx [web]

                         . ............................ .
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   |_____\______/__\_____|___/\_____\__\_____\ ___\_____|___\_____/__________|
 - -diP--------------------------------------------------------------------bM- -

                                     -= AND =-
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             - ---------diP-_ ____________\-bM-------------------- -

                                   -= PRESENT =-

                              X-MIX 2004 : "Ion Traxx"

                A homage to the legendary X-MIX VHS tape series.
             The demonstration consists of numerous visual effects

                and a mixtape comprising of five techno tracks.

     Both components are reverential nostalgically to the original concept.

     _                                                                    _
    ( `╖.,.╖░ê»ê░╖.,.╖=----------------------------------=╖.,.╖░ê»ê░╖.,.╖' )

                  Lead Programming       :   Curly Brace

                  Additional Programming :   Uncle-X
                                             Doctor Oidberg
                                             Scootr Lovr

                  Advanced Mathematics   :   216
                  Graphics               :   Uncle-X
                                             Curly Brace

                  Modelling              :   Scoopr

                  Music Programming      :   Mel Funktion
                                             Fred Funk
                                             Little Bitchard

                  Music Producing        :   Little Bitchard

                  Music Mixing           :   Mikro

                  Design & Narration     :   Uncle-X
                                             Mel Funktion
                                             Curly Brace

     _                                                                    _
    ( `╖.,.╖░ê»ê░╖.,.╖=----------------------------------=╖.,.╖░ê»ê░╖.,.╖' )
     The mfx and Kewlers boys would like to send greetings and respects to:

                                     A N D
                            B L A C K   M A I D E N
                                 C A L O D O X
                                    D C - S
                                  E X C E E D
                                  E X C E S S
                           E X T E N D (fuckings to)
                             F A R B - R A U S C H
                                     F L O
                                 H A L C Y O N
                                 H A U J O B B
                                 K O M P L E X
                                   K O O M A
                             K O S M O P L O V C I
                                    M A S S
                                    M A W I
                              M O O N H A Z A R D
                                  O R A N G E
                                     P W P
                                  S A T O R I
                           S P I N N I N G   K I D S
                                   T H R O B
                                  U N I Q U E

                     ... and those friends that we forgot.

   _                                                                    _
  ( `╖.,.╖░ê»ê░╖.,.╖=----------------------------------=╖.,.╖░ê»ê░╖.,.╖' )

        Contact information:


        Curly Brace     : curly.brace@luukku.com
        Uncle-X         : naleskin@cs.helsinki.fi
        Mel Funktion    : mel_funktion@hellokitty.com
        Synteesi        : joonas.mantynen@luukku.com
        216             : jwuolijo@cs.helsinki.fi
        Little Bitchard : littleb@luukku.com
        Scoopr          : scoopr@iki.fi
        Fred Funk       : Fred cannot be reached since he's doing
                          voluntary work for the red cross in Africa
        Raimo           : raimo@suomiscene.org