
Happy Road by Mankind [web]

                  - -- ---   HaPPy ROAd --- -- -
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               ... We Put a Speak'n'Spell On You ...

 Project Initier, First version script, Speak'n'Spell.

 Project Designer, big pencil scans on toilet paper, photoshop, music.

 Music on given frequencies, and silences on others.

 Script furthering, shouting after bla.

 This is a final version of a demo started at the slach party 5 in
 August 2004 (comme to Slach Party 6 in 2005, http://www.slach-party.net !)
  A few hours before the deadline. Nothing was planned, but the grace was
  there, because the people was there. Partying is about grace, and this
  is no more than grace speaking through this demonstration.

 The full engine can be get and re-used at:

 If I can concentrate...  If I can concentrate...  If I can concentrate...
I can write greetings to my favorites groups (in no particular order, some
people would be jealous !)

Universe                    Don't be afraid crisot i'll do a OS4 one ASAP.
Pure                        Don't let big myke make you work,take holidays !
Rave Network Overscan       BASS !
Kengooroo                   Hey release something !!!
Madwizards                  Kiero,STOP RULIIING (your shadowmap is big faake !)
Software Failure            HAM, miga's not dead, and quiero hablar castellano!
UpRough                     Livaxion was played 10 times on bigscreen at slach5.
Spaceballs                  So slummy, who are the amiga morrons? we want names!
Groupe K                    Next year, guys, ... 3 SLACH ROBOTS !!!
Loonies                     Best 4k ever,true, remind me of ken perlin works.
Lucis Magia                 LET hamlet & lev/PURE take holidays !!!
Ephidrena                   When I spoke with you at bp04 I was just pathetic!
Scarabs                     putaaain l'autre τa fait un bout de temps...
The Black Lotus             You put the pressure up again for everyone !
(o shit, this group that went 4rth at bp04!!)
Scoopex                     Stingray your intro kicked my ass.
X-MetalForceCrew DK         Mack Enroe ! venuswilliamsnavratillova !!
Division Zero               Vodka,How the FUCK did you manage to get MAF back ???
MoodsPlateau                Hey ???ator CD's is cool !! I listen it !
Iris                        Wough.... it couldn't be the last !!!
tulou                       We want more !
Darkage                     No more spoletium ? grrr...
 hehe, no need to greets PC people here :-)

 http://www.m4nkind.com <- visit, THEN jump.

  We need English Code Article writers/translator for the mighty english side of:
  ...The true amiga saviours... The french team is strong of 10 people


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                                      (2002)              #\
