
a bouncing pixel by Dirty Minds [web]

a bouncing pixel.. .  .   .    .


I have provided the code too, to show that it is exactly 256b. Download Winape32 emulator, run it, press F1 to go to Basic, press F6 to open the assembler, Open the asm file, Ctrl+F9 to Assemble, write CALL &4000 in Basic.

256b intros on CPC?

This must be the first. Well,. every file on AMSDOS takes at least 1kb. This one eats 256 bytes of Z80 code. Not inside the disk though. What's the point of 256b intros on CPC, when there is more space eaten for nothing on the disk? (CP/M perhaps?). You tell me.

Size optimizing on Z80 seems to be really fun. There are a lot of opcodes taking just one byte. You can easilly count the rest. Much registers to exchange, lotsa tricks to try! I'd prefer to code a 1kb (almost, because of 128b file header) intro for the next time. If I get moody enough for real CPC coding..


I have developed this shitty thing during a night at DemoFeast. Ment0r was coding a bouncing pixel on the PC, jff, so I decided to do something similar on my CPC. I had seen that what I had, was less than 256b, so I thought it would be a nasty idea to make a 256b release out of it. I opened the code today and cleaned up some bytes, then I decided to output some text and leave it as it is. I know it must be my lamest release ever, but who cares?!@
