
alpha by Power Crisis International

; Alpha

        Yeah, it's not the best name in the world, but it was an interim
name that just ended up sticking. I coded the whole thing, wrote the music,
and did the art... but now I have a musician, and am getting better at the
art... and now I have my own whole programming team! Two guys, Phentari and
Joe Shmo, are going to help me with the next demo. It's being coded in 386p
mode (thanks Tran) and should be a *hell* of a lot slicker than the one you
have now. So why did I release this one? Mainly because my original intention
was to code this one in C, and then recode it in ASM... but the C version was
significantly different than the resulting assembler versions, so I released
the C version as FRiAR's Funhouse, and the assembler version will probably be
called 'Distoria' - the current working name. We'll see.

        Anyway, the opening routines(stars and words) and the shadebobs were
routines I had hanging around. The openers I have used for loaders, and the
shadebobs were an experiment. You will find an early source to the first
shadebobs, in assembler, with this archive... The curtain was heavily
inspired by the FC 'wormhole'... and the scrollers were last minute touches
(notice how slow they are, for their size; they're totally unoptimized)...

        So there you have it. Oh yeah; the "CRISIS.<alt-255>" file is
actually a mod, called "Fun Stuff"... I threw that one together real quick
because I needed a tune for this thing.

        L8a, and keep working on demos!
