
Rudimentary by SquoQuo [web]

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     Rudimentary aka Rudi.mentär                  Breakpoint 2005
     aka Acid Mantra
     aka Alien ate my oldschool demomaker

First things first: A big sorry to most of you guys. This demo uses
GLSL which isn't supported by too many gfx cards.
You can always switch back to no-shader version (which looks even more
ugly than the full shader-supported version ;)

 code                Hopper
 design              Hopper Bugger
 music               Hopper
 ASCII logo          elend

  usability hints:
 choose a resolution (just 32bpp modes)
 fullscreen          (i guess you know, what this does)
 no sound            (mainly for testing or buggy soundcards (never heard of that))
 min. freq.          (On winxp/2000/nt systems this will select the lowest shown refresh frequency.
                      mainly for video probs, especially on beamers)
 crest mode          (switches off all GLSL stuff, i.e. all shaders. use this if demo runs at
                      a ridiculous framerate (<1fps), most probably shaders are done in software then)
 always try the latest drivers!

 >must have<
 proc                >=1GHz
 graphics card       any OpenGL1.2 compatible card supporting multi-texturing
 ram                 >=128MB

 >should have<
 proc                >=2GHz
 graphics card       >=Radeon 9800
 ram                 >=256MB