
Straight from the Bronx by Essex

   Straight from the Bronx =)

      aajee the second demo from da Essex....

  Fcngsht, where the fak is Gazer?????????

     This is just a party version =( so it should run prefectly
     on a pentium(not tested =( ) but it run FinE on my 486/100Mhz =-P
     and final version hopefully runs somehow with 486/33Mhz.....

  U find nothing new from here, but still clock is aproaching 16:00
    so it's time for some injection... yeah.. the clear stuff straight
    into my body... what a narc? no just diabetes =-P

  Fuck.. soon must go get some 32%%%% yeah.. and then we can be
    abit drunk.....

         but if u bother to read this... get yar self some BooZEEE!!!!!

     heh written in da party place with somebody's machine =)
       signed Charly/Essex