
Refrigerator by Holograms [web]

.:                                   :.
.:       Holograms RefriGerator      :.
.:         Party Function2005        :.              
.:         OpenGL Win32 - Demo       :.
.:                                   :.
.:  Created by Aha Jumper Chromhead  :.
.:                                   :.
.:                                   :.
.:            Greetings to           :.
.: AstroideA              Conspiracy :. 
.: Digital Dynamite Dilemma Epilepsy :.
.: Exceed                 Farbrausch :.
.: Fresh!Mindworkz           Haujobb :.
.: Mandula   Madwizards   NeurotoxiN :.
.: Outracks           Portal Process :.
.: PsyArt    Scoopex   Singular Crew :.
.: Surprise! Productions         TGD :.
.: United Force        Ümlaüt Design :.
.:                                   :.
.:          Special thanks to        :.
.:           Fresh!Mindworkz         :.
.: Pasy         Pontscho      Remage :.
.:                                   :.
.:                                   :.
.:          Holograms Members        :.
.: Aha /Code      Jumper /Code/Musci :.
.: Chromhead /3D    Kundakker /Music :.
.:                                   :.
.:       Release Productions         :.
.: iterat!on      retry      hybrid :.
.:                                   :.
.:             Contact to            :.
.:      http://holograms.srv.hu/     :.
.:         aha@kac.poliod.hu         :.
.:                                   :.
.: dev and test configuration        :.
.: AMD Athlon 1700+ 512MB GF5600FX   :.

.: AstroideA   Conspiracy    Digital :.
.: Dynamite     Dilemma     Epilepsy :.
.: Exceed                 Farbrausch :.
.: Fresh!Mindworkz           Haujobb :.
.: Mandula   Madwizards   NeurotoxiN :.
.: Outracks           Portal Process :.
.: PsyArt    Scoopex   Singular Crew :.
.: Surprise! Productions         TGD :.
.: United Force        Ümlaüt Design :.