
FroomX by Fractoid [web]

Yeah, well, some time ago I heard about this contest. It sounded way cool and I had big plans.
What with one thing and another, as is the way with these things, I totally forgot about it
until like two days before the submission date, and then had stuff to do up until, like, 1am
on the day submissions were due.

So, you'll all have to wait until the next one for 'signal' (the demo that I would make if I
had been warned earlier that I was going to be a doofus and forget to remember that I had to
remember to make a demo, so to speak) to come out, instead I haxed up this smooth, smooth
fractal zoomer out of a screensaver I wrote a while back but never released. Uses my OpenGL
library (included in the source code) to make things easier. Uses miniFMOD for sound and UPX
to make the thingy smaller.

Double click the thingy to run it. Alt+F4 to stop it running.

MANDATORY GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING: Listen to the music for more than 30 minutes continuously
and you will go insane. No clinical trials were needed for this announcement, it's self evident.
