
Heliosphere by Fulcrum [web]

Heliosphere by Fulcrum (party version)
on the net: fulcrum.antisoc.net

Run the demo by starting the run.bat file!
You can change the resolution/fullsize or windowed etc by editing the SDL.ini file.
Sorry, fancy dialog not available in the party version.

Windows (only tested on XP), OpenGL 1.5 compatible Videocard, soundcard if you like your demos with music. Doesn't need much memory (128?), but a fast bus between the videocard and the rest of the system is a must. Laptop 3D chipsets may not be happy with this demo.

General info:
Finally, in our third year of existence, we managed to throw out our first demo.  Ironically, it's not the one we spend most of our time making, but a quick-and-dirty stopgap demo. Since our graphician is recovering from surgery, and several other members have a general lack of time due to marriage plans or their first kids, our first demo is temporarily frozen and now Heliosphere is our first(non-music) release. Since I (Seven) was starting to doubt whether I could still be considered an 'active'scener, I decided to make a single-effect demo based on an old 3D fractal editor I had written several years ago, and release it at a party this summer. The converting to OpenGL and integration with Drones engine took longer than expected, so Buenzli (the last party I'll visit this summer) will be the place it is unleashed on an unsuspecting world. I hope you like it :)

The demo is displayed entirely using 3D IFS fractals. My apologies if the demo runs slow on your system, there are several things that could have been more efficiently done using other techniques but I don't have the time to add them (plus it wouldn't fit in the sacred "one-effect" demo category anymore). I have a suspicion things could run much faster using OpenGL 2.0 Point Sprites (if they are what I think they are), maybe I'll try that approach in the final version.

This demo was coded in one week with far too little sleep. Anything that happens when you run it is not my fault. 

This demo uses the following libraries:
SMPeg and SDL under the LGPL (see a copy in Data/COPYING), JpegLib under the modified BSD license, Xerces under the Apache Software License 2.0, and ZLib and LibPNG under the zlib/libpng license;