
MuCruncher2 by Epilogue

   ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ________  ___   
  / _ \/ _ \/___\/   \/ _ \/ ___/  /\/ _ \-----------------------------+
 /   \ \  \ \    \    \  \ \\   \ /  \  \ \ presents...                |
/   __\ \__\ \    \    \  \ \\__ \ \  \__\ \    -----------            |
\ \_____/____/    /    /__/ /__/ /_/  /____/    MuCruncher2            |
 \_____//  \_____/____/____/____/____/____/     -----------            |
    +---+                                                              |
    |   +--------------------------------------------------------------+
    |   +------------------------------------------+-------------------+
    |   | Code: Deathangel's Shadow                | Released: 02Sep06 |
| Alaskan--                                                              |
| -Attitude                                                              |
    |   |                                                              |
    | | | We bring to  you the second  version of our  .net exe-packer |
    | O | MuCruncher.                                                  |
    | | |                                                              |
    |   | We still use  the powerful LZMA  compression algorithm, with |
    |   | some much needed enhancements over the first version.  It is |
    |   | now  completely written  in .net, with  no C stub  at all... |
    |   | this means  that there's no  more temporary file  writing at |
    |   | run time.                                                    |
    |   |                                                              |
    |   | Additionally, because of how  many possible variations there |
    |   | are in settings for the compressor engine, and the fact that |
    |   | there was  no perfect setting  (different  binaries compress |
    |   | better   with  different   settings),  we   have   added  an |
    |   | 'exhaustive'  mode that  tries every  possible  combination. |
    |   | This is,  of course, a  very intensive  process... even with |
    |   | our modifications  to utilize both cores,  it takes about 24 |
    +---+ hours to  maximize  compression for a  64k input  file on my |
    |   | FX-62... and the gain was only a few  hundred bytes.  So, it |
    | d | is probably not needed for everybody but if you have the cpu |
    | e | time to burn, then the option is available.                  |
    | a |                                                              |
    | t | If you use  the exhaustive mode,  it is fault  tolerant - if |
    | h | your computer  crashes in the  middle, it will  pick back up |
    | y | approximately where  it left off the next  time you start it |
    | . | back up.  In order  to  further  improve this,  we are  also |
    | e | working on a  distributed network compression  engine so all |
    | p | the members of  your group can contribute  cpu cycles to the |
    | l | search... we expect to release that in the future.           |
    | . |                                                              |
    | c | We have tested the exe packer to work with both regular .net |
    | c | executables as  well as XNA  productions in  anticipation of |
    | s | the people  that will  be interested in  creating  demos and |
    | @ | other productions on this new platform.                      |
    | g |                                                              |
    | m | There is a caveat  with XNA binaries  that is not related to |
    | a | MuCruncher  but is  still important  to know - in  order for |
    | i | productions  to work with x64  systems, it must  be compiled |
    | l | for x86 rather than AllCPU (which is the default).  For more |
    | . | information, see http://abi.exdream.com/blog/                |
    | c |                                                              |
    | o | We hope you enjoy using this packer in your productions, and |
    | m | if you do use it then please remember to greet us!           |
    |   |                                                              |
| Alaskan--                                                              |
| ----Pride                                     Copyright 2006, Epilogue |
    |   |                                                              |
    | | | We send greetings to the following people:                   |
    | O |                                                              |
    | | |       Addict * Brainstorm * Fulcrum * Futuris * Fuzzion      |
    |   |  Guideline * Kakiarts * LowFuel * Marshals * MovSD * Neural  |
    | d | Prototype * Speckdrumm * Squary * Titan * Traction * Tristar |
    +---+     Zone Neutra * All past and present Epilogue members!     |
        |                                                              |