
Alive - 64k is still enough by TGGC

\-/ returns ! - http://www.games-net.de/hosted/tggc

  Alive         :-: 64k is still enough

  Code          :-: TGGC

  Music         :-: Turri

  add. gfx      :-: Jost, Seb

  Special Thx   :-: Hellfire

  Packer        :-: kkrunchy

  running time  :-: 2m 40s

  greets        :-: ASD, Bauknecht, Calodox, Exceed, Fairlight, 
                    Farbrausch, Fuzzion, Haujobb, Nuance, Titan
                    atla, BlueCobold, mcdeck, matt|6s, pro, rapso,
                    rip, Sgt. Nukem, TomasRiker, Volkard
                    anyone else from #gamedev.ger und #cpp

  add. greets   :-: everyone
                    and ZFX members

  Tested and running on Win2k and WinXP. Should work on any Geforce or Radeon.