
64 View by Agony Design

Yo C64 Freaks!

Since I have written last 64view version, I havent seen the source code of it. 
I decided to write completely new. I took the DOS source and used pieces of it
to write this new beta alpha very beta version of 64VIEW2003. There are some
improvements and some unimprovements :).

System requirements are still forming, becoz i didn't test it on any other machine
beside mine. I have to optimize some things and I will do it (i promise?). 

64view2003 works only with Windoze 98 or later :(, with DIRECTX 6.0 or higher.
At this time application takes about 4mb of RAM (its not to much at this time).

GUI is similar to DOS version in use. Some functions are unavailable (fe: file copying).

I wanted to make the images looks like on the old C64 monitors. I have made it as I could,
Me and my friend - Grove/Keen Acid. We made simulation of PAL monitors picture. We have
used digital filters (those, which are used in digital signal processing) to make that. 
Beam of electrons are refreshing the picture about 50 times per second, by hit
in the luminofour (it makes the luminofour lighting). It's happends with some portion of
inertia. When the beam are moving thru the screen and some contrastable areas are 
near to themself, the beam makes some kind of shade. With using digital filters, we
have got an effect, which we wanted. It isn't just a motion blur, if you look it closer,
you will see that the effect is asymetrical. 

I made the 64view more comfortable in use, by adding possibility of changing the images
in display mode, by using pageup and pagedown keys.

64view2003 have a one more very useful feature. It's reads pictures from commodore disk 
images (.d64 files). It's not 100% tested yet.

							...Have a nice using...

if you have some opinions or sugestions to me, you can write at email below.
