
Mental Masturbation by Acme

                             ▄▀█ ▄▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▄▀▄▀█ █▀▀▄
                           ▄▀  █ █     ▄▀    █ █▄▄▄█
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                               d e l i v e r s ───────────────────────────────┐
│                     ooOO MENTAL MASTURBATION iNTRO OOoo

Well, Darkness on the keys writing that nfo file in the place of Aap.Acme
coz he is so fucking tired (and stoned???) that he even can't write a nfo file
for his own intro........isn't that a pitty???  Yes... It certainly is!

So well, here you got the A(c)me contribution to the BiZARRE party intro


This intro requires, for optimum pleasure , a 386 with GUS (optional) and 600k
of free low memory..

  Bulletin Boards :

       Blue Steel      World Headquarters      Netherlands     +31-(0)20-6403972

       Samsplace       Distribution Site       Netherlands     +31-(0)74-911195
       Edge of Honor   Distribution Site       Netherlands     +31-(0)2159-37816
       Lunatic Asylum  Distribution Site       Netherlands     +31-(0)85-233120

       Genesis         EuropeanHQ              Belgium         +32-2-2453498
                                                        Imphobia Cascada WHQ

       The Firm        German HQ               Germany   node1:+49-40-6482146

       Red Zone        Finnish HQ              Finland         +358-Open-Soon
       Midnight Buzz   Distribution Site       Finland         +358-83-425621

       Dune II         Hungarian HQ            Hungary         +36-62342793

  Snail Mail	 :

       Steven 'Aap' ter Heide
       Griend 12
       1112 LD
       +31-20-6952236 (ask for Steven)

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  Soon Internet !

If you have any suggestions, questions or PROBLEMS with this AcmE (tm) product
please contact us.

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